Heleads me out of the dining room and out the exit, nodding politely at the couples who walk past us with bright smiles.Whenhe watches an elderly couple walking up the sidewalk, he rushes back over to the door and holds it open for them.

That’sa side ofBishopIhaven’t seen yet, andIcan’t help the smile that forms on my face at the action.Ofcourse,IknewBishopwas a good guy, sweet to a fault, butI’venever seen him so caring with others — especially strangers.Thewoman gives him a grateful smile while walking through the door with her walker, the man patting him on the back appreciatively, beforeBishopstrides back over to me.

“Thatwas sweet of you,”Isay quietly, studying him a little harder than might be necessary.

Heshrugs, inching us down the sidewalk and closer to his car. “Itwas no big deal.”AndI’msure he truly thinks that, butIcould tell how thankful the woman was for his help; it was a big deal to her.

“Thankyou,”Isay, touching his arm softly, “for tonight.Itwas sweet of you to want to take me out, even if it didn’t go as you probably planned.”

Bishopchuckles. “Notexactly, butIgot to see you in this dress, so that’s good enough for me.”Heopens the passenger door for me, just like he did before we headed out, then shuts it onceIhave the seat belt in place.Itonly takes a few seconds for him to get into the driver's side, not wasting any time starting the car. “Let’sget you home, shall we?”

Hebacks out of the parking lot, then heads back toward the interstate.Thebumping of the car, combined with the soft music flowing through the speakers, has my eyes drooping closed within minutes.

* * *

“Georgia?”Bishop’svoice seems far away asIslowly open my eyes.He’sstanding in front of me with the passenger door open, and he smiles down at me. “You’rehome.”

Irub the sleep from my eyes and stretch my arms before stepping out of the car. “Sorry,Ididn’t mean to fall asleep.”

“That’sokay, you looked peaceful.”

Eventhough it was only a short ride, it was definitely a much-needed nap, andIfeel thoroughly rested.Thatonly makes me feel bad, sinceIprobably would’ve got through dinner without an issue ifIgot a little rest before leaving. “Thankyou,Bishop, again.”

Henods, holding a hand out for me to take. “Itwas my pleasure.”WhenIgive him my hand to let him help me from the seat, he leads me to my front porch and stops right outside the front door with his hands in the pocket of his jeans.Jeansthat look really good on him.I’mwondering why he doesn’t wear them more often.

Itake a deep breath, then give him a small smile. “Drivesafe,Bishop, andI’llsee you onSaturday.”Hishand stays in mine, not even twitching to move, andIsuck in a breath as his gaze stays firmly on mine.

Heseems to snap back to attention and suddenly shakes his head, backing away from me quickly, then gives me a small wave.Thenhe turns away and heads back down the sidewalk.

I’mnot entirely sure what just happened, but it’s not something that ever has before with the two of us.NotthatIcan recall at least.

Iunlock my door and slip my shoes off in the entryway, then head toward the kitchen for a glass of wine.Thelook inBishop’seyes just now replays through my head asIgo upstairs, opening the door to my room and strutting into the bathroom.I’msure it’s all in my head.There’sno way he was looking at me in the wayI’mthinking he was.

Helooked as ifIwas the only girl in his eyes, nothing but heat and desire.Need.


He’smy boss, this would be entirely unprofessional and he knows whereIstand on our relationship.Well, then you shouldn’t have asked him to be your boyfriend, or told your best friend that he was.

Shit,Iscrewed up.BishopthinksIreally want to be with him, and that only causes my chest to ache.Ididn’t think he looked at me in that way, not sinceItold him whereIwanted our friendship and work relationship to stand.Themakeup remover is tucked into the far corner of my bathroom drawer, andIgrab it out hastily to wipe all my makeup off.

Ashower sounds nice, but that requires more work thanI’mup for right now.I’lljust wipe the makeup off, then shower in the morning beforeIhead to the ranch.Whichreminds me,I’llhave to search for an outfit tomorrow soIcan look my best aroundCamden.

Listento yourself,Georgia.Tryingto gain the attention of one man, when you already have the attention of another.

No.That’snot what’s happening.Bishopcouldn’t possibly like me, especially considering our age difference.Hecares about that, right?Granted, he was awfully quick to agree to the whole boyfriend thing, and to go along with it aroundWinnie.

Iget to my closet, sifting through my clothes, butIfind myself wondering whatBishopwould think of the pink blouse hanging up.Wouldhe appreciate it?Insteadof going for that one,Igo for the dark blue lace tank top — which isCamden’sfavorite color.

I’mnot looking for anyone else’s attention exceptCamden’s.Let'sjust hope the little tidbit of informationIgaveWinniemakes its way back to him beforeIget there in the morning.



Thetux shop called me an hour ago to let me know my tux was ready, so whileIhave some time before my next appointment,Ihurry to the other side ofMainStreetto grab it.WhenIwalk through the door,Icatch sight ofCamdentrying his own tux on with a small smile, and he gives me a nod before giving the clerk his attention.

“Justwant to make sureIimpress her.”