
Shenods. “Great.”

Ican tell she’s not, especially since she keeps sighing and shrinking into the seat every few minutes.Something’sbothering her, but we always told each other if it wasn’t something we wanted to talk about we wouldn’t.Insteadof badgering her about it,Ipay attention to the signs we pass untilIcome up to exit twenty-three — the oneIneed to take.

Therestaurant isn’t too far away fromDaisyCreek, but far enough away that we can have a level of privacy that we wouldn’t in the small town.Mrs.Riversmay not have a job around town, but she makes one with all the gossip she spills to the other ladies.That’sthe last thing either of us needs right now, especially when it’s so far past office hours.It’sone thing to catch a bite to eat as we’re leaving the office, and it’s an entirely different thing if they catch both of us dressed like this in a restaurant.

Mrs.Riverswould be ecstatic to have something new to talk about, though.Allshe’s been able to get on the town lately is thatMr.Wilkin’scat keeps getting caught in everyone else’s trees and the town is getting fed up with it.

Oncewe park,IopenGeorgia’scar door for her once again.Iplace my hand on the small of her back as she gets out, then lead us to the front entrance of the dimly lit restaurant.

Thehostess andIexchange smiles whenGeorgiaandIwalk through the door. “Adler,”Itell the hostess, hoping my name will be on the list since it was done so last minute.Whenthe hostess starts grabbing menus forGeorgiaand me, the breathIwas holding comes out slowly.

“Aglass of your best red wine, please,”Georgiatells the hostess as soon as we sit down, not bothering to waste any time looking at the drink menu.

Iclear my throat, glancing over everything, and smile at the woman standing next to our table. “Justan orange soda, please.”WhenIlook over my menu atGeorgia, she’s studying me with her dark green gaze. “Somethingwrong?”

Sheshakes her head with a chuckle and looks back down at her menu. “No, not at all.What’sgood?”

“I’vebeen here a few times.Ilove theirItaliandishes the most.”There’sa reasonIchose this place, other than it being further from home, and it’s the fact that this restaurant has the most sought after dishes.Theyrange fromItalianto even someSwedishmeals, andIthought the choices she andImake tonight would giveGeorgiaandIa chance to get to know each other just a little better.

“I’mthinking about the shrimpAlfredo,” she says thoughtfully after several minutes of silent studying. “Whatare you getting?”

Inod. “ShrimpAlfredisn’t bad, butIthinkI’mgoing with theSwedishmeatballs.”Theirmeatballs are one of my go-to dishes whenIcome here; the creamy sauce they put on top of them is to die for.

Georgiasits the menu down, then glances around the restaurant as if looking for someone, then brings her gaze back to me. “Why’dyou pick this place?”

“It’sjust one of the placesIfrequent most whenI’min the city, plus it’s a little out of the way fromDaisyCreek, andIthought the privacy would be nice.”

Shenods, a smile brightening her flawless skin. “Well, thank you for bringing me here.It’sbeautiful.”

Ihave to admit, she’s not wrong.Itmight seem like it’s in a sketchy area, but it’s amazing on the inside.Thecrystal chandeliers that hang over each table, the expensive leather that covers each of the booths, and the marble flooring that really brings the black and gray tones of the place together make this one of the classiest places around.

“Waseverything okay today?”Iask, wanting to get straight into the reasonIasked her here.

Shecocks her head to the side, taking a sip of the wine someone from the bar brought over. “Andwhy do you ask that?”

“Youseemed a little off when you stopped by the office, that’s all.Justwant to make sure.”

Shenods, glancing around once more at our surroundings, and perking up when she looks over my shoulder. “Winnie, fancy seeing you here!”Georgiaimmediately lifts from the table to hug her best friend, then smiles politely at the man standing next to her.

Winniesmiles atGeorgia, then gasps when she notices me sitting in front of her. “Dr.Adler,Ididn’t see you sitting here.What’sgoing on here?” she asksGeorgiawhile side-eyeing me.

Georgia’sface turns bright red, andIcan’t help the smirk that lifts on my face. “Yes,Georgia, what’s going on here?”Asmuch asIhate how nervous she is,Ilove watching her squirm in her seat — makes me wonder how muchIcould get her to squirm whileI’mbetween her legs.

Georgiaclears her throat, glaring at her friend, then gestures to me with her hand. “Winnie, you knowDr.Adler, but what you don’t know is that he’s my boyfriend.”Shesmiles at me affectionately, somethingI’venever seen on her face before when it comes to me, and it does something to the inside of my chest.

Ididn’t realize she’d announce me as her boyfriend tonight though, and suddenlyI’mchoking on something to say.Winniearches a perfectly painted brow and narrows her eyes at her best friend. “Boyfriend?”

Georgiarests her hand over mine across the table, rubbing her thumb along my skin in soft circles. “Yes, boyfriend.”

There’ssomething about the way they’re staring at each other that makes me feel uneasy, butItry my best to ignore it and instead smile atWinniehappily.

Thisis whatIwanted, so why does it feel off right now?

