Page 77 of Here You Are


Charlie hesitated at the entrance to Elda’s studio. The first time she’d stood on this threshold, she was edgy. Now, it was a place of calm. Anywhere Elda was, Charlie was restored.

Hanging back, she took in the scene from the doorway: Elda held her brush between her teeth while Jack leafed through the pages of a magazine. They both looked content.

“How was it?” Elda looked up from her canvas, her face screwed up with concern.

“It was a good conversation. Kim understood.” Charlie ruffled Jack’s hair as he sat on the sofa. “You’re quiet, mister.”

“I am bathing in Elda’s creativity. She doesn’t usually let me into her inner sanctum.”

“He’s behaving himself.” Elda threw a rag at Jack’s head. “If he doesn’t, I’ve threatened to chuck him out. I’m on a deadline for that exhibition in Manchester next month.”

Charlie kissed Elda on the lips, leaning into the flare of desire.

“Cut it out, you two.” Jack yawned. “You have your whole, love-struck lives to get it on. You can at least wait until I’ve gone to work.”

“What time does your shift start?” Charlie asked, and he threw the rag back in their direction.

“Not ’til two, you cheeky cow. Plenty of time to enjoy an early lunch with my two favourite people.”

“Well, if you put it like that. Grab your coat, and we’ll wander.”

“I’ll follow you down.” Elda turned back to her canvas. “I just want to finish this section. Order for me?”

“Absolutely.” Charlie slipped her arm around her waist and pulled her in for a goodbye kiss.

“She’ll only be ten minutes.” Jack yanked her hand.

“Make that twenty,” Elda called after them.

Charlie settled into Jack’s relaxed pace. The glow of contentment followed her out of the mill building and across the street. She chuckled to herself. She had no idea that she was lacking until Elda had stumbled into her life. Elda filled up parts of Charlie that she hadn’t ever known were empty.

She looked across the canal towards the imposing mill. Once, she’d have blustered her way through life, shrugging off the emotional ties which came with physical pleasures. Now she knew that real strength came from being known, and being loved, unconditionally.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Elda looked out onto the green from Charlie’s bedroom window. Her thoughts drifted as a couple pushed their toddler on the swing. She shook away the nagging doubts. Perfection wasn’t something she should aim for and comparing her family with others hadn’t done her any good in the past.

The door creaked and she turned, full of joy at the sight of Charlie balancing two mugs of tea and a packet of chocolate biscuits.

“Too early for snacks?” Charlie asked.

“Never.” Elda rescued the toppling packet and knelt onto the creased sheets.

They laid back against the headboard, watching clouds floating across the two windows. A silver birch swayed in the park. “I could stay here forever,” Elda said, pushing crumbs into her mouth.

“You should.” Charlie set down her mug and kissed her neck softly.

Elda wriggled from underneath. “Don’t start, Miss Mason. We need to get ready soon. I don’t want to be late for your parents.”

Charlie crashed back on the pillows with a groan.

“Drink up, and we can jump in the shower.” Elda raised her mug, while Charlie shot her a hopeful look. “Together, yes.” Elda smiled.

“Nice compromise agreement. You should be a lawyer.” Charlie took her in her arms, kissed her deeply, and nipped at her bottom lip, which made Elda squeal with anticipation.

The doorbell rang as Elda rolled out of bed.