Page 1 of Here You Are

Chapter One

“Miss Mason, your case files.” Charlie’s clerk dropped a stack of bulging manila folders onto her desk with a thud. She stared at her laptop, ignoring his shadow looming over the desk, and pulled at the ribbon on the top file.

“What’ve we got?” She didn’t have time to look up.

“It’s a Section 20. A pretty complex case of neglect. There’s possible crossover with criminal court and the in-house solicitor wants you.”

“Who?” Her fingers hovered over the folder.

Joshua Pinkman put his hand in his pocket and shifted onto one leg. “Jude.” He cleared his throat.

“For fuck’s sake.” Charlie’s jaw hardened, and she swallowed her frustration. She and Jude had an arrangement which had worked for years. Pleasure, not business. A smirk spread across Joshua’s stubbly face. Tension gathered between her eyes. “Don’t start, I’m not in the mood.”

“Well, you are the best. Jude wants to win the case.” He bounded towards the door, turning back with a wide smile. “I thought you were always in the mood, miss.”

“Joshua,” Charlie called after him.

“I’ve done my job,” he said, glancing back. “Look over the file and see what you make of it.”

Charlie edged back in her seat. The leather was worn by the bodies of her predecessors, most of them heavy men. Joshua had been her clerk for years at the chambers. He knew her well, and they respected each other. He also knew which solicitors she’d dated and who she preferred to avoid. He was discreet, and Charlie needed that. But this time, he was pushing her.

She rubbed at her tight forehead and picked up the phone.

“Can you get me Jude Oswald?” She swivelled on her chair and looked out of the window.

The city’s sky was thick with cloud, as if it could rain at any moment. Her gaze fell to the mill building on the horizon. She wondered what happened behind those leaded windowpanes.

“Jude, you don’t need me for this case. Get someone cheaper.”

There was an intake of breath and a giggle. “Hey, Charlie. How are you, darling? I’ve been meaning to call. How are you fixed tonight?”

Charlie tried to resist the temptation of Jude’s voice, but its deep, familiar melody sent a shiver down her spine.

“Did you get my little gift?”

“Yes, I did.” Charlie sighed. Jude had form for pulling this kind of stunt and embroiling her in a case which would have them both tied up for months. “Listen, Joshua will find someone else to try this case for you. It doesn’t need me.” Charlie took a breath. She needed to keep her head down at work and avoid any distractions. “And tonight, I can’t do.” She held the phone away from her ear, putting a little distance between them.

“Just look at the file, Charlie. You’ll find it stimulating, I promise. I saw it and thought of you.”

Charlie gripped the edge of her oak desk. She was busy and could do without Jude’s sales pitch. But she knew how to press Charlie’s buttons, and she was irresistible, as well as convenient to have around. They enjoyed a mutual understanding that neither of them wanted anything other than occasional, no-strings satisfaction. So why was she pitching this work? Maybe it was worth a look.

The silence drew out a moment too long.

“Darling, let’s meet for coffee, and I can talk you through it. It’d be nice to catch up in the daylight, like normal people. Maybe cocktails at that place you like?”

“Fine, I’ll fix a date with your office.” Charlie hung up.

Keeping the phone against her ear, she called Joshua.

“Can you get me an hour with Jude Oswald before the weekend? Case prep. Cheers.”

A couple of days later, they looked like every other pair of suits around them, talking shop and nailing down a deal. Charlie clocked her own reflection in a mirror and pushed her cropped hair back into place. Jude sat opposite, her face flushed with lunchtime wine. She was wearing the cashmere jumper Charlie had thrown onto her bedroom floor last month.

“I don’t mind where you go with it, darling. You’re the one with the talent for words.” Jude’s eyes widened and she smirked. “Among other things.”

“We said we wouldn’t work together. I thought that was clear.” Charlie sipped her water, desperately trying to ignore the cut of Jude’s skirt, inching up her thigh every time she moved. The woman was annoying as hell sometimes but really got under Charlie’s skin.

“I get it, I do.” Jude raised her hands. She sighed and tipped her head to one side. “I just need you on this case, Charlie. All jokes aside, it calls for someone with your blend of perfection and compassion.”