Page 6 of Playing with Fire

They both looked too old to be in high school, which was technically true since they were getting close to twenty because they weren't smart enough to actually pass their classes, but that's not why they came to school anyway. They came to sell and distribute drugs to students on campus. The only place Noah couldn't get to. It was only a matter of time before they would be kicked out and told to continue their education at an adult school.

"Is that any way to talk to your future husband?" Mason snarled, his gaze raking over me like I was his next meal as he licked his lips. He grabbed my arm, jerking me into him. I hissed as the pain of his fingertips digging into the sensitive skin of my arm sank in.

Mason believed I was his and that he had a right to me because he was Noah's second in command and I was a Villa whore.

"Get off me," I snarled, fighting against his grip, but it only tightened. "I will never marry you." Mason didn't really want to marry me. He wanted to fuck me.

"Don't try me, little girl," he growled, leaning down so we were at eye level. Drawing in a deep breath, I tried to calm my racing heart. "You fraternizing with the enemy?"

"No," I muttered, jerking my arm, and he released me.

"You better hope not, princess," Parker hissed. "Hate for Noah to find out about today."

I almost rolled my eyes. If I had to guess, Noah already knew about today. He probably had picture evidence sitting in his text messages as we spoke.

"Stay away from the Valley Boys," Mason ordered, his lips curled into an evil smirk. "You belong to the Southside. Next time, we'll make sure we meet in a dark, quiet place. So, we can show you properly who you belong to." There was no mistaking the threat in his voice.

"Can I go now?" My lip curled into a snarl. "I'm late." Parker jerked his chin, and I stormed off to class. I hated being tied to the Villa Boys. I hated that it felt like they owned me.

"Don't forget my warning, princess," Mason called out behind me. There was no warning. That was a threat. I would pay the consequences if I didn't do what they wanted.

Chapter 5


The clock moved at the speed of a sloth for the following few class periods. I leaned forward on my elbows and watched the clock, my legs bouncing rapidly with each tick. I was anxious to get out of Dodge. I couldn't get caught with Christian and his Valley friends again today.

Ten minutes before dismissal, I excused myself to the restroom with female issues and booked it to the student parking lot.

"Hey," Chloe said, rounding a hallway and stepping up her pace to match mine. We knew they didn't open the school gates until the dismissal bell rang, but we would be ready to take off once they did, long before anyone else made it to the parking lot.

Chloe approached her jacked-up white extended cab 4x4 Ford F-150 and beeped it unlocked. I rounded the front taking one last look over my shoulder; when I slammed so forcefully into something solid, I fell backward, crashing into the pavement. My eyes followed the solid thick legs, up to the crossed tatted arms, over the ripped, muscular chest of Christian Chandler.


"How did I know you'd try to bail early," he said, his lips twitching with amusement. Reaching down, he jerked me up by my arm—the same arm still sore from my encounter with Parker and Mason. "Let's go." Dragging me, he opened the back door to one of Lincoln's black SUVs, shoved me inside, and slid in beside me. My gaze flashed to Chloe, frozen in place, gaping at Christian and me.

"9-1-1," she mouthed, and I shook my head no. I had to deal with this on my own.

"Hey, Harper." Maverick grinned from the front passenger seat. I snarled. Laughing, he slid a hand through his dark hair, pushing it off his forehead before he pulled his black ball cap on his head backward. "Funny meeting you here."

"Let me out," I demanded, glaring at Christian. They all laughed. Anger raced through my veins as I grabbed the door handle after the vehicle was already in motion. I would rather take my chances with road rash than spend another minute in this vehicle.

Christian grabbed my arm, effortlessly snatching me back towards him. My elbow met his solid gut, and he briefly released me. Reaching out for the door, I almost had it when he spun me. We tussled, and I felt like I was holding my own before I realized what was happening. I straddled him with my hands pinned behind my back. The corners of his mouth curved into a devilish smirk like he knew he'd won.

"Best not to fight him," Lincoln teased.

"Let me go," I said through clenched teeth. Fighting against Christian's grip, I thrashed hard, trying to free myself. He leaned back, thrusting his hips up, and relaxed like he was enjoying the show. A low guttural growl escaped his lips, and I stilled immediately, realizing what I was doing. His full lips twitched before curving into a smirk. This disgusting pig was turned on by my fight.

"Don't stop, baby," he whispered. His eyes went dark as they trailed over my lips and down to my cleavage, which was on full display with how he restrained me. He sucked in his bottom lip, biting down before releasing it. I had no choice but to sit still and wait until we got to wherever we were going since I wasn't in the mood to get him off with my struggling.

Thankfully, Christian didn't live far from the school. He and most of his boys were from Valley View, an Elite subdivision. It wasn't a typical subdivision that had rows of cookie-cutter houses side by side. Instead, Valley View had enormous mansions tucked away on large acres of land surrounded by lakes, groves, or other landscaping to separate the land.

Christian's home couldn't be seen from the main road; it was tucked behind large oak trees that lined the driveway to the house that was settled on a lake surrounded by groves that were part of his parent's agricultural fortune.

Lincoln snaked his black SUV down the long driveway that led to a 10,000-square-foot mansion. I couldn't imagine living in something so big and beautiful. Last night it had been dark, and the darkness didn't do it justice because seeing it today in the daylight almost took my breath away.

He continued down the driveway to the back of the house, parking behind a black Jeep Wrangler near the two-story pool house that Christian and Aiden lived in. The pool house was larger than the single-wide trailer I lived in.