Page 45 of Playing with Fire

"I'm scared of the dark water."

"The water?" He laughed. "Thank god; I thought my naked body terrified you." I laughed. "Here." He handed me some clothes that appeared to be his. "Get dressed, and we'll go Netflix and chill with Chloe and Aiden."

Chapter 25


The sound of feet pounding pulled my eyes up to see Harper standing sleepy-eyed at the bottom of the steps.

"Good morning." I set a coffee cup on the counter. She stopped, taking in the bedding on the couch. The evidence that I'd slept there.

"Did you sleep here last night?" She grabbed the coffee cup. "On the couch." Her eyes narrowed on me.

"I did," I answered, pouring coffee into her cup as she slid onto a stool at the bar. "I didn't want to wake you, and I felt like I should be close if you needed me." I didn't know how far Noah and his thugs would take this, but I wanted to ensure she was safe if they brought it here.

"Did you make breakfast?" She changed the subject.

I nodded, making her a plate. "I wanted to make sure you ate before we left today."

"Left?" she asked as I set the plate in front of her.

"It's spring break," I answered as if that meant anything to her. "Everyone from the Valley heads over to the coast, and we rent a bunch of beach houses for the week." Plus, I seriously doubted Noah or any of his wannabe thugs would come to the coast to stir up trouble.

"Sounds fun," she said as I ran up the stairs taking them two at a time. "What is that?" she asked when I reappeared with a suitcase.

"Your luggage." I opened the front door and set the suitcase outside. Harper narrowed her eyes. "Chloe packed it for you the day you moved in," I answered her unasked question.

"Uh, yeah, I'm going to need to go through that." She chuckled.

"No time; eat, shower, dress, and let's go."

The ride to the coast was long, and Harper wasn't a very patient passenger. By the time we made it, everyone was already settled in. Chloe and Aiden met us in the driveway.

"Please, someone shut her up." I groaned, jumping out of the Jeep.

Chloe snickered."Let me guess." Chloe met me at the back of the Jeep. "She's a terrible passenger." I rolled my eyes and grabbed our luggage.

"I get claustrophobic." Harper shrugged. "I can't help it."

Harper reached for hers; "Don't insult me," I muttered, jerking the bags out of her reach. She threw her hands up and backed out of my way.

"Have a Snickers, man." Aiden chuckled. "You're hangry."

"Harper is the worst car rider I've ever met," Chloe said matter-of-factly. "The furthest I've ridden with her is an hour. So, I can only imagine how four hours went." She laughed, and I stormed into the house.

After a quick trip to the bathroom and some deep breathing, I was back to normal when Harper met me upstairs.

"This is your room." I set her luggage down on the bed. "My room is next door." I opened the French doors in her room, leading out onto a balcony overlooking the ocean, and then the second set of doors that led to my room.

Harper stood speechlessly on the terrace overlooking the white sandy beach and clear bluish-green water. She leaned over the rail, sucking in a deep breath. Her long dark hair caught a gust of wind flying around her face.

"This is amazing," she finally said, running a hand through her hair to tame it. "Who all is staying here?"

"In this house, there's me, you, Chloe, and Aiden. There's also Maverick, Link, and Sebastian. Julian is staying over there," I pointed to a large white beach house two houses down, "with some girl he met."

"I didn't realize the house was that big." She stepped back into her room.

"It has seven bedrooms."