Page 25 of Playing with Fire

"I told him about Mr. Perv," I whispered, sliding into our seats. Her eyes went wide, and her mouth formed an o.

Mr. Pervy's eyes weren't wandering today. In fact, they were glued to his nervously fidgeting fingers in his lap.

I opened my textbook, pretending to work.

"What are you doing?" I whisper-hissedto Christian, who was still leaning on the desk with his back to me, eyes burning holes into the sub. Every gaze in the classroom was on Christian. The air was thick with anticipation as everyone wondered what was going on. "What did you do?"

"Nothing," he didn't bother to whisper. "I let Mr. Pervert know that if his eyes happened to look at you again, I would remove them from his face." Christian was twice the substitute's size, and the sub was obviously shitting himself.

"Omigod, Christian," I slapped his arm. "You can't threaten a teacher."

"He's not a teacher and won't be back tomorrow. Will you,Mr. Pervert?" Not looking up from his hands, he shook his head. "Because if he is, he won't walk out of here." Christian stood from the desk, squaring his shoulders. "I think you owe Harper an apology for making her uncomfortable."

"What? Christian, no," I stammered.

"Go ahead," Christian growled. The sub looked up. Christian's fist slammed into the desk with a force that shook it and made the entire class jump. "I told you not to look at her." His tone was deadly. "The sub's eyes shot back down. "Apologize! To her and every other girl you made uncomfortable, now!"

"I'm sorry," he whimpered, and a roar of applause sounded. The sub ran out of the classroom, and I assumed he wouldn't be back.

Christian spun around to face me. "Let's get out of here."

"What?" I narrowed my eyes. "It's the middle of the day."

"I know," he said, reaching out his hand. "Skip with me today." Every part of me screamed to say no. To shove his hand away and demand he go to his class. "Come on, good girl, be bad with me," he said, his tone laced with seduction.

I knew better. I knew this was a bad idea. But then he said the one thing that ensured I wouldn't say no. "Unless you're scared." I was scared! Scared of how my heart raced and my body reacted to him every time he walked into the room. I was scared that just knowing Christian would scar me for life.

I would also rather die than let anyone think I was scared of anything.

"I'm not scared," I said, standing up, and grabbing my things. "Let's go!"

"Wait for me," Chloe yelled from behind me. I could almost feel Christian's smile burning into my back.

Shoulders back and head held high, I stormed out the side doors to the student parking lot. I stopped in front of Christian's black Jeep Wrangler, which already had the top off. Lincoln, Sebastian, Maverick, Julian, and Aiden were already waiting for us.

"About time," Lincoln muttered. "We'll take my truck."

"I'll take mine," Chloe announced; the dark green highlights in her short black hair were bolder in the bright sunlight.

"I'll ride with Chloe," I said, spinning towards her truck, but long thick fingers wrapped around the back of my neck before I reached it.

"You'll ride with me," Christian said, his fingers tightening as he spun me back towards his Jeep. I started to protest but then decided against it. I could argue, but he was bigger and stronger, and even if I put up a good fight, I'd lose, and I didn't have the energy to lose today.

Releasing my neck, Christian leaned over and scooped me up before shoving me into his Jeep's passenger side as if I could not load myself into the lifted Jeep.

"I'll ride with Chloe," Aiden said, following Chloe to her truck. Christian shut the door and strolled around to the driver's side. Lincoln's SUV pulled up beside Christian's Jeep with Julian, Maverick, and Sebastian in tow.

"Let's get out of here," Maverick yelled out the passenger side window.

Today was the perfect day to ride topless in a Jeep. The sun was bright, without a cloud in the sky. Trying not to be obvious, I watched Christian out of the corner of my eye. He was dressed casually in a black t-shirt and jeans. The black hoodie he wore earlier was tossed into the back seat before we pulled out. His dark hair blew wildly in the wind, falling over his forehead when we stopped. One tatted arm perched on the center console, and the other hand gripped the steering wheel. His tongue swiped across his bottom lip as he leaned forward, checking for oncoming traffic. He was hot.

Turning my head towards my window, I stared aimlessly out. I wanted to remember the kiss. Was it everything I'd imagined it'd be, or maybe more?

"Where are we going?" I asked, pulling myself out of my thoughts. The corner of his full lips curved in a devilishly half-smile that screamed trouble, but he didn't answer the question.

Christian drove the topless Jeep over the railroad tracks and then took a sharp right turn into the Southside. I sank into my seat, hiding my face as much as possible with little coverage from the Jeep itself. The last thing I needed was someone from the Villas to see me with Christian and tell Noah.

"What's the deal with you and the Villa Boys?" Christian asked once we were on the other side of town. I pinched my eyebrows. "You don't hang with them. You don't sit with them at lunch. I've never seen you have a conversation with them, but you handle their dirty work." I didn't bother answering, just shook my head, staring out the front window. It was a question I couldn't answer. Discussing Noah and the Villa Boys with Christian was a bad idea that could get me killed. "Why are you so loyal to them?"