Page 9 of Playing with Fire


Approaching my small single-wide home, the smell of stale weed and body odor assaulted my nose. I shoved my way through the crowd of Noah's thugs scattered around the yard, on the porch, and filling the small living area of the trailer.

Our trailer was a constant revolving door of shady people. If it wasn't the Villa Boys, it was sketchy druggies buying whatever Noah was selling.

This was a typical night in the Villas. Everyone showed up after sunset like creepy vampires to get high and party.

I spotted Parker and Mason in the kitchen, both with a beer in their hand, but I didn't see Noah anywhere, not that I was looking hard. I kept my head down, hoping to make it to my room without being seen. Silently weaving through the guys, I was careful not to make any body contact with them. I wanted to be invisible, and unless Noah wanted something, I usually was.

Stepping into my room, I blew out a breath of relief as I threw the door shut, but it bounced off the size twelve boot wedged between the door and the jam.

"Didn't want to say hi?" Noah asked, his voice low and husky. He used his large-framed body to push inside. I swallowed past the lump forming in my throat. His eyes were dark, filled with evil. Snatching me by my arm, he tossed me across the room, my hip slamming hard into something as I tumbled down, dropping to my hands and knees.

"Noah," I pleaded. I pushed off the ground, knowing I didn't stand a chance on the floor.

"Rumor has it you were cozied up with a Valley Boy today?" He was fast. His long thick fingers wrapped around my arm as he tossed me like an old doll. He whipped me around to face him.

"Noah, I didn't—" I choked on my words when he shoved me so hard that every ounce of air expelled from my lungs. My side slammed into my dresser, hitting it hard before I tumbled to the floor, gasping for air.

"You're a fucking dirty whore," he growled. Reaching down, he pulled me up by my arm and threw me into the door, pinning me hard against it. Pain shot through my body, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing the pain in my eyes. "Are you fucking the Valley Boys now, you nasty slut?" I clenched my jaw, fighting back the tears burning in my eyes. "You eat with them, and you fuck them."

"I told him to fuck off," I muttered, twisting my face away from his. "I swear."

Pressing his face hard against the side of mine, his grip tightened on my arms—the tips of his fingers digging in painfully. My jaw tightened and my eyes squeezed shut, the pain so deep I could barely focus on his words.

"You better make sure you did." His tone was threatening. Hot breath, laced with alcohol and weed, burned against my cheek. "You belong to the Southside."

He released me with a hard shove slamming my back hard against the door again. Crossing my arms over my chest, I wrapped my hands around my upper arm, trying to rub the pain out.

Deal or no deal, I couldn't play Christian's game. I would end up dead.

"Come out and socialize with your people," he ordered. I inwardly groaned. I didn't want to socialize with them. I wanted to hide in my room until they were all gone and pretend this wasn't my life, but it was, and if I didn't go out, they'd drag me out.

"Here," Noah said, opening his closed fist in front of me, revealing a tiny white pill. My breath hitched as my gaze blinked up at him. I didn't want to take whatever that was. I didn't do drugs. I was even careful how much I drank around the Villa Boys. I didn't trust them. "Take it." He shook his hand.

"What is it?"

"Just take the fucking pill, Harper!"

Swallowing hard, I picked the tiny white pill up from the palm of his hand and popped it into my mouth, holding it on my tongue, trying not to let it dissolve. Thank god he didn't wait to see if I swallowed it before he disappeared. Spitting the pill out, it hit the floor, and I used the toe of my boot to smash it into the disgusting carpet.

Strolling into the living area, I sank onto the couch, intending to stay there until everyone left or I could disappear into my room without being noticed.

"What's up, Harper?" Mason purred, dropping down beside me. I didn't bother answering because he didn't care. He slid an arm across my shoulders, and I jerked away.

"Don't touch me," I snarled as I scooted down the couch away from him. "Keep your nasty hands to yourself."

"Come on, Harper." He groaned, his glassy gaze lingering on my mouth longer than I was comfortable with. "Don't make this harder than it has to be."

"Mason," I warned, slapping his hand away as he reached out to touch my arm. "If you touch me again, I will throat punch you."

"Hey, Mason," Parker yelled across the trailer. Mason's gaze snapped up.

"Come here," Noah said, leaning over the small wooden kitchen table with a cigarette hanging from his lips. "I need you to make a run."

"I'll be back, princess." Mason pushed off the couch, and I blew out a breath. It was getting harder and harder to fight them off. Mason joined Parker and Noah in the kitchen, and I quickly slipped out the front door, trying to disappear into the night.

I would wander the streets of the Villas and the lower Southside until the house cleared out or settled down. If I stayed, it was only a matter of time before Mason decided to make good on a promise he'd been making for years.