Page 61 of Playing with Fire

"I was put into a wonderful foster home with a couple who ended up adopting me. I don't know where I would be today if that couple hadn't stepped up and helped me. I want to do the same for you."

"It's hard to accept that someone wants to help me." I shrugged. My throat tightened as I shoved back the tears stinging the backs of my eyes. I avoided eye contact for fear of a tear breaking free. So many emotions swelled through me, and I didn't know how to control them. "I've been on my own for a long time."

"Sometimes, the hardest thing in life is realizing we need help." She smiled, placing a hand over mine. "And even harder to admit and accept it, but I promise my husband and I truly just want to help. No strings attached."

We spent the next hour talking about everything. We talked about my life, my mother, Noah, and Levi; she shared a little of hers. We had more in common than I could have ever expected. I never once felt like she was judging me, my life, or my decisions.

I released a sigh of relief. They had all been right. Mrs. Chandler did surprise me.

Chapter 35


"Did you see the tits on her?" Bash laughed, holding his hands out in front of him, demonstrating the exaggerated size of her chest. "And that ass." He sucked in his bottom lip, biting down. "Damn."

"I'd titty fuck her," Lincoln said, biting his lip as he dry-humped the air. A new transfer student had all the guys worked up.

"You'd fuck anything," Maverick laughed, slamming his locker door closed. I rolled my eyes, leaning against my locker while I waited for Harper to come out of the classroom.

The first week back to school, surprisingly, had been relatively quiet. I expected more commotion from the Villa Boys, but they'd stayed on their side of the school without a word.

Shoving off my locker with my shoulder, I glanced across the hall at the classroom door that Harper should have come out of already. Her class was right across from my locker. I'd made it to my locker before the dismissal bell sounded, and when the rest of her class left and Harper didn't, I wasn't suspicious because it wasn't unusual for Harper to hang back for various reasons, but she seemed to be taking longer than normal.

Pulling my phone out, I texted her to ask if she was still in class.

Even though the week had gone smoothly, we didn't let Chloe or Harper move around the school without one of us with them. No one knew what Noah's next move would be, and I was being cautious. Aiden had gone to meet Chloe at dismissal, and I was waiting for Harper. It was the same plan we'd used all week and would continue to use until Noah was dealt with.

After a few more minutes of waiting, I flipped my phone over to check for a response from Harper. Nothing. It hadn't sent. I had no service.

Chloe appeared in my peripheral vision.

"What's up, Chloe?" She clenched her books tight against her chest. Swallowing hard, her head dropped as she peered behind her from the corner of her eyes. Something was wrong. My eyes followed hers over her shoulder as a group of Villa Boys passed, laughing.


"Chloe, where's Harper?" She was in shock. Scanning her over, I noticed blood soaked through the knees of her ripped jeans.

"Chloe, where's Harper?" My tone is both desperate and demanding. Harper was supposed to be in 6th period, the classroom directly across from my locker.

"Mason," she croaked through hysterical sobs.

Grabbing hold of her shoulders, I gave her a slight shake. "Where?" I ground out.

"The field." She shifted, pointing toward the back of the school. I knew exactly where she was—the only part of the school deserted at the end of the day.

I bolted into a sprint across campus, anger swimming through me, causing my chest to tighten and pushing my legs harder and faster. When I heard her screams from down the hall, red-hot rage surged through my veins. My boot impacted the door, bursting it open. My vision blurred with rage. My jaw clenched and my nostrils flared. I was ready to commit murder.

Mason's large body pinned Harper to the floor as he pawed at her body. Harper screamed, fighting hard to get him off her.

Reaching down and grabbing the back of his shirt, I launched him across the bathroom, slamming him into the wall. Twisting my fist into his shirt, I scrapped him off the floor. A loud crack followed by a low grunt; the sound of bone meeting bone filled the room as my fist pounded into his face. Mason's fist flew up, cracking against my jaw. I didn't feel it. Rage made my body numb.

"You're dead," I growled, throwing another punch and smashing his nose. Mason gurgled as blood filled his mouth, running down the back of his throat. Another, and the blood splattered across me and the walls. The rage pounding in my ears muffled the screaming in the background. I couldn't stop myself. The anger consumed me, egging me on.

Straddling him, using my body weight to pin him to the ground, I wrapped my fingers around his throat, using the palm of my hand to cut off his airway. Mason's eyes went wide as he struggled underneath me. He gasped as his fingernails clawed at my hands, begging for air.

Mason's body fell limp at the same time Link jerked me off him. I pushed Link away. Mason wasn't walking out of here alive.

"Holy fuck," Maverick said, sliding into the bathroom, taking in the bloody scene and Mason's bloody body lying lifeless on the floor. My gaze traveled from person to person before snapping down to Harper, who sat curled in the corner, her clothes torn, her body bruised and bloody.