Page 58 of Playing with Fire

"No," Christian muttered, grabbing the suitcases from the back seat. "She was here when we pulled in." I unlocked the door, and they followed me inside.

Chloe dragged her suitcase up the stairs.

"Don't panic," Christian said, spinning to face me. "My mom is going to love you."

"You don't understand," I groaned. "Moms don't like me. Like none of them. I'm from the wrong side of the tracks."

"Harper." He stopped me, brushing a loose piece of hair out of my face. "I promise you my mom will love you." I gave an unconvinced nod. "Aiden and I are taking her to dinner tonight to give you and Chloe time to settle in." He leaned in, pressing his soft full lips to my forehead. "Maverick and Link are coming to hang out with you two while we are gone."

"I don't think we need a babysitter," I muttered.

"They are not here to babysit you or Chloe," he said. "They are here if Noah or his thugs decide to show up while we are gone." He grabbed the door handle and opened the door. "I trust them to keep you and Chloe safe." He leaned in, pressing his lips to mine. "Aiden and I will stay out here tonight. I should be home by nine, and we can watch a movie."

"No." I scowled, shaking my head. "Your mom is home; you can't stay out here." He laughed, walking out and shutting the door behind him. I wasn't laughing. I didn't want to add to her reasons to hate me.

Sinking into the couch, I closed my eyes, blowing out an exaggerated sigh. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as I thought it would be. Who am I kidding? This was worse. If Christian's mom didn't like me, she could throw me right back to the Southside, and I was positive that's what would happen.

"Christian's mom is pretty cool," Chloe said, pounding down the stairs. "She will love you. I'm sure of it."

"Like your mother loved me, or Ryder's mother loved me." I groaned, not bothering to open my eyes. "Hell, my mother didn't want me."

"My mom is crazy, and she hates everyone," Chloe said, sinking into the couch beside me, pulling the throw pillow to her chest and hugging it. "And your mom. Well, your mom is an addict, which has nothing to do with you."

Two taps sounded at the door before Maverick pushed it open.

"Everyone decent?" He laughed. Link followed him through the door with pizza in his hands.

I wasn't in the mood to entertain tonight. I wanted to shower and sleep, so I woke up refreshed and ready to impress tomorrow.

"I'm going to shower and sleep," I mumbled, pushing passed them to head upstairs. "I'll see you guys later."

"After dinner," Maverick said, hooking an arm through mine and guiding me back to the kitchen.

"Not hungry," I whined as he led me into a chair.

"Christian said to make you." Link laughed, shrugging. He pulled out a plate, slapping a piece of pizza on it. "Please don't make me force-feed you. That doesn't sound fun." He dropped the paper plate on the table in front of me.

I rolled my eyes. "How am I supposed to eat? Tomorrow, I have to talk to Christian's mom."

"Christian's mom is cool," Link said, handing Chloe a plate.

"I tried to tell her that." Chloe laughed, adding a slice of pizza to her plate. "But she's freaking out."

"That's easy for you to say." I groaned, dropping my head into my hands. "You don't come from the Southside, and you're not associated with criminals."

"Harper," Maverick said, his blue eyes zeroing in on me. His tone made it clear he was serious and no longer joking around. "You are not your family. You are not the Southside. You are not where you are from, and you are not your mother." After a long pause, he continued. "No one here defines you by where you came from, and Mrs. Chandler won't either. Give her a chance. She might surprise you."

He was right. I couldn't expect her to give me a chance if I'm unwilling to do the same.

Chapter 33


I tossed and turned in bed until I heard the bedroom door creak open. My eyes flicked open, and I leaned up to look at the clock on the nightstand. It was just after nine p.m.

The room was dark, with only the moonlight shining through the small window above the bed.

"You're awake," Christian whispered, reaching back and pulling his shirt off before dropping it to the floor. As he removed his pants, I dropped my gaze, sweeping up and down his perfectly sculpted torso. It didn't go unnoticed. Kneeling on the bed, he leaned in, his lips brushing mine. "Like what you see?" A cocky grin tugged at the corners of his lips.