Page 24 of Playing with Fire

I released him, and gasping for air; he scurried off. Spinning around to Harper, I grabbed her by the arm, jerking her back into the bathroom and pinning her against the wall with my body.

"You are mine," I breathed against her lips. "Did he touch you?"

"Ryder is my friend, Christian." She attempted to shove me off her. Pinning her arms over her head with one hand, I filled the other with her ass hiking her up and wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Girls and guys aren't friends," I informed her, releasing her hands. "He only wants to fuck you."

"No,youonly wanna fuck me," she stated matter-of-factly, a slow smile spreading across her face. "Ryder and I are just friends."

"If he touches you, I'll break every bone in his fucking hand," I ground out. No one was going to touch her but me.

"Christian, you're being ridiculous." She laughed, rolling her eyes.

"It's obvious he wants you."

"Christian, he is not into me." She laughed.

"Is this funny to you?" I asked, not amused, releasing her hands.

"It is because Ryder would be intoyoubeforeme. Although, I know for a fact, assholes aren't his type." My brows furrowed. "He's gay, Christian. He has a boyfriend." The tension consuming every ounce of my body disappeared, and my shoulders relaxed.

"Gay, huh?" She nodded, laughing, as I set her feet back on the ground. The bell rang, and I grabbed her bag for her.

"Bet you feel like an ass," she teased.

An ass, no. Amused, yes, but I did not feel like an ass. I would do it again and again because Harper Brooks was mine, and I would break anyone who touched her.

"Why were you skipping?" I asked, following her out of the bathroom and slinging her bag over my shoulder.

"It's not a big deal." She waved it off. It was obviously a big deal if she went out of her way to skip class and hide in a bathroom stall on a disgusting floor. It definitely was a big deal.

"Harper," I growled, wrapping my fingers around her upper arm and halting her.

"The new sub is a little pervy," she said, shrugging. "That's all."

"Did he touch you?" I asked, keeping my tone level. I didn't want her to think I would freak out, even though we both knew I would.

"No, he just stares." I would deal with that tomorrow. "Creeps me out."

"Are you going home tonight," I asked, stopping in front of her fourth-period class. I hated the thought of her going back to that disgusting trailer, but I wasn't going to invite her to live with me either.

"No," she said. "I'm staying with Chloe tonight." A sense of relief washed over me, and I didn't know why I cared, but I did a lot.

Handing her bag to her, I wanted to kiss her, but I knew right here, right now, wasn't the time. So instead, I watched her disappear behind her classroom door.

Chapter 15


For the first time since I was handcuffed to Christian's bed, I hadn't seen or heard anything from him since yesterday. I assumed he'd had his fill of me and moved on like I'd expected him to do sooner.

Hiking my bookbag higher on my shoulder, I followed Chloe into class.

"What is he doing here?" Chloe whispered over her shoulder as she stepped through the classroom door for third period. I didn't know whohewas.

Stepping into the classroom, my jaw clenched. Christian was perched on the desk in front of mine, his hands white-knuckling the desk, jaw tight, and eyes focused on the sub.

Oh shit…