Page 23 of Playing with Fire

"Very funny." She fake-laughed, fumbling with the combination to her locker before opening the door. She grabbed a thick textbook and shoved it into her book bag.

"You did kiss me last night," I taunted, leaning against the locker next to hers, my arms crossed over my chest.

"Almost doesn't count," she snorted, slamming her locker. "And that was a moment of weakness." I assumed she was referring to the almost kiss in the pool before she got sloshed. "That I assure you will never happen again." She was even cute when she lied because shewaslying. She turned to walk away, but I grabbed her wrist, spinning her around to me; my hands gripped her waist, pulling her tight against me.

"I don't think the weakness extended to the shower," I whispered, leaning down eye to eye so only she could hear me. "And yes, we did."

"Shower?" Her pretty blue eyes widened, searching mine for truth before they darted around as she combed through her memories from last night. "We were in the shower?" She paused, swallowing hard. "Like together?" I nodded, cockily smirking. "Na—Naked?"

"Don't worry; I didn't let you take advantage of me in your drunken state."

"So, we didn't—?"

"No." She blew out a heavy sigh, and her shoulders sank as she visibly relaxed.

"Come on." I smiled when the first-period bell rang. Grabbing her book bag out of her hand and tossing it over my shoulder, I threw my arm over her shoulders and guided her down the hall towards her next class, passing all the wide-eyed stares of students as their eyes followed us through the halls. "I'll walk you to class."

I was kicked back in my seat in the back of the classroom, trying my best to drown out the teacher's lecture; I pulled the hood of my black hoodie over my head and closed my eyes. I couldn't stop my thoughts from flashing back to the shower and Harper's naked body.

Last night, I'd made the right decision not to let it go any further. Her not remembering me fucking her was not an option.

Everything about Harper intrigued me, and I needed to know more. Not that my lack of knowledge about her would stop me from fucking sober Harper if she was ready to beg, but I had a feeling we weren't even close to that yet.

My phone buzzed against the desk loud enough to draw attention.

"Put it away," Ms. Morgan demanded. I ignored her.

Maverick - Harper's not in 3rd period.

Leaning forward in my chair, I re-read the text twice, making sure I read it correctly. Harper wasn't the kind of girl who skipped. She was the complete opposite. She was never absent, she was never even tardy except the times I made her late, and she sure as hell didn't skip class.

"Mr. Chandler," Ms. Morgan barked when I stood from my desk, causing the metal legs of the chair to screech across the tile floor. "Sit down!" Ms. Morgan was a small older woman with short silver hair. She barely stood eye-level with my chest, but she wasn't the least bit intimidated by me like the other teachers.

"Gotta piss." I shrugged and strolled out of the classroom and straight to the hall where Harper's class was.

Walking the halls, I scanned each classroom through the long narrow window in the door. Harper wasn't in any of them.

As I passed through the senior hallway, whispers echoed from the girl's bathroom. Leaning up to the open doorway, I immediately recognized the voice. It was Harper, and she was safe.

The deep voice of a male laughing followed whatever she said, echoing out the doorway.

Or maybe she wasn't.

I was going to wait outside, but that wasn't happening now that I knew she was with a guy. My teeth ground together, and my fist clenched as I stormed into the bathroom.

She was locked in the large, handicapped stall with someone other than me who had a dick. Fire blew through my veins. I reared my boot back and shoved it through the weak door. The lock burst off, flying across the stall, and the door slammed open.

"Get the fuck out," I snarled, reaching down and grabbing the wide-eyed punk, spinning, and shoving him out of the stall. He stumbled backward before straightening himself. Bowing my chest out, I bumped mine against his, backing him further away from her. Ryder was the same height as me allowing me to stand face-to-face with him.

"Christian," Harper hissed, jumping up on her feet. "What the fuck?"

The punk stood firmly, shoulders back, head high, his shit brown eyes flicking from me to Harper. Every time his gaze cut to her brought my blood closer to boiling. This fucker was asking for me to pull his eyes out. Ripping him up by the front of his shirt, I drug him out of the bathroom.

"Stop, Christian," Harper yelled, grabbing at my arms. I shoved him hard against the locker. A grunt huffed out as his back made impact with the lockers, my forearm pinning him in place, slowly cutting off his oxygen. My chest heaved up and down as rage consumed me. He struggled against me but was no match for the adrenaline coursing through my body.

"The next time you so much as look at her," I said, my tone low and deadly. "I'll rip your fucking eyes out."

"Let him go!"