Page 19 of Playing with Fire

"What the fuck, Christian?" I muttered. Pushing my weight against the water, I moved towards the steps.

Standing in front of the pool, dripping wet, I removed my boots. Everyone was stripping down to their underwear, yelling, laughing, and goading each other on. It wasn't any different from a bathing suit. Unbuttoning my skirt, my eyes locked with Christian's.

"Don't do it, Harper!" His tone was serious, but he stood out of reach. With a smile, my gaze dropped to my soaking clothes. I pushed the skirt down and ripped off my top. I didn't notice Christian charging me like a raging bull.

Using his entire body, he wrapped around me, shielding me from view as he launched us into the water. He was still wrapped around me when we came up for air.

"You're a psycho," I spit out once I caught my breath. I shoved hard against his firm chest, but he didn't budge. The corners of his mouth turned up.

"I don't think you know what you do to me," he whispered against my lips. He pulled my arms around his neck before skimming his hands down, gripping my ass, and pulling my legs around his waist. Everyone disappeared around us. I forgot everything at that moment except how he made me feel.

The heat of his breath tickled my lips as he inched closer. My heart raced with anticipation. His lips brushed against mine with a smile, and I resisted the urge to wet my lips, knowing my tongue would brush his lips too.

"You two gonna fuck or fight?" Sebastian laughed, pulling us out of whatever alternate universe we'd gone to. "Cause you're really confusing all of us." Christian released me and splashed water on Sebastian.

"Grab me two towels," Christian told Sebastian.

Christian refused to let me out of the pool until he had a towel to wrap me in.

"Let's find you something to wear," he said, leading me into the main house and up the stairs. "These are my sister's. She left them when they moved. She told us to donate them, but we haven't gotten around to it. You two are about the same size."

"Are you sure she won't care?" I asked, scanning over all the boxes of clothes. She was throwing away more clothes than I owned.

"No," he said. "I'll meet you back at the pool house."

Digging through a large bag of clothes, I pulled out a pair of ripped-up, faded cutoff shorts. I dug deeper pulling out a tight-fitted black tank. "Perfect." My bra and panties were soaked, so I'd have to go without them.

I dried my long hair using Christian's towel and decided messy hair worked with the outfit.

I gave myself a once-over in the mirror before returning to the party.

"Holy fuck," Maverick purred when I strolled to the beer pong table. His eyes darted over me. "Damn girl, you want to poke the bear, don't you?" I narrowed my eyes. I had no idea what that meant.

"I want to play," I said, pointing to the game of beer pong they were playing. I snatched the shot from Lincoln's hand and shot it back.

"She's on my team," Lincoln laughed. I grew up playing these games, but I didn't want to win. I wanted to drink unheard-of amounts of alcohol.

Half an hour and countless amounts of liquor later, Lincoln and I were trashed.

"You kind of suck," Lincoln slurred after I missed another shot. I'd lost count of how many drinks we'd had. I nodded, my vision blurring as I watched Maverick shoot. I didn't suck; it took precision to miss the cup that many times.

A song with heavy bass echoed from the house, and my hips swayed.

"I dare you to twerk on the table," Maverick goaded, running his tongue over his lip ring.


He nodded. I never turned down a dare.

"You're on." Stepping up to the table, Maverick wrapped his long fingers around my waist and lifted me onto it. A couple of sways of my hips, and an audience of boys gathered around. Throwing another shot back, I threw the empty cup at Maverick. Pulling my shorts slightly higher, I placed both hands on my knees.

"What the fuck?" Christian's voice boomed over the music, but I was drunk enough to ignore him. I never backed down from a dare. As the crowd of guys yelled, I popped my ass up and down as everyone crowded closer to the table. One more pop to the beat, and I was jerked off the table and over Christian's shoulder.

He carried me into the main house and straight up the stairs, dropping me on his sister's bed.

"Change," he growled, hovering over me.
