Page 13 of Playing with Fire

"I don't think she's scared of you." Julian chuckled. No, she wasn't but scared wasn't what I was going for anyway. She wanted to play; then we'd play. Today the entire school would think we were fucking, including the Villa Boys.

Like a predator stalking its prey, waiting for that ideal moment to pounce, I stood quietly watching, waiting for that perfect moment when the halls would be full of random students and a group of Villa Boys.

Harper didn't even know what hit her before I pinned her against the locker. Her skirt hiked up, and her legs wrapped around my waist, one hand gripping her ass and the other pinning her arms over her head. She struggled against my hold. Her thighs clenched tightly as I made a show of dry humping her against the locker. The clanking of her ass hitting the metal echoed down the halls.

We had everyone's attention.

"What the fuck?" she growled, struggling against me.

"Play stupid games, get stupid prizes," I breathed against her neck. Everyone hooted and hollered as they passed, heading to class.

"Yeah, get it," a random male student said in passing.

The show must go on.Throwing her over my shoulder, I carried her to the nearest bathroom and closed the door behind me.

"What the actual fuck, Christian?" she said, anger flashing in her eyes when I set her down. She was mad; fury radiated off her as her nostrils flared and jaw clenched.

"You didn't show up at my locker," I scolded, shouldering the wall. I crossed one arm over my chest, and the other hand cupped my jaw.

"I'm not playing your game," Harper spat out. "You broke our agreement." She pressed her finger into my chest.

"What agreement was that?" I asked, rubbing my jaw, slightly amused.

"To keep it between us."

"I never agreed to that." In fact, that would defeat the whole purpose of this. I pushed off the wall, dropping my arms to my sides. "But I'll tell you what. You want out of the agreement?" She didn't say anything, just stood silently, eyes narrowed on me. "Get. On your. Knees." I pointed to the ground in front of me before starting to undo my pants. At this point, a blow job wouldn't be enough. I needed to fuck her. But I wouldn't have offered if I thought she'd actually do it. "And suck my dick."

I was close to pulling my erection free when she finally sighed. "I'm not sucking your dick. Put it away."

"Then take your fucking hair down," I ground out. Harper reached up in haste, pulled the clip out, tossed it to the ground, and stomped on it. "Good girl."

"You're an asshole." Anger colored her tone.

"Be at Tanner's party tonight out on the dirt road back in the groves." I walked out of the bathroom before I finished zipping up to add to the show.

"Did she suck your dick?" Bash mocked just as Harper walked out of the bathroom. She grabbed her books which had gone flying when I grabbed her and were scattered all over the hallway floor.

"Uh uh uh!" Maverick moaned dramatically, dry humping the air. They knew she didn't do anything. By now, we all knew Harper Brooks wouldn't willingly give it to me. She was going to make me work for it. And pussy wasn't something I worked for.

"You're all assholes." She flipped everyone her fuck you finger and stormed off.

"Fuck," Julian said, grabbing his chest. "That cut deep." I rolled my eyes and watched the aggressive sway of Harper's ass as she walked away.

"What was that all about earlier?" Alexi asked, walking alongside me to our next class. I raised my eyebrows at her; I had no idea what she was talking about. "With that Villa girl." I shrugged and kept walking. "Christian!" She raised her voice. I stopped, turning to her. "Are you fucking her?"

I wasn't sure what had gotten into Alexi and why she was acting like a jealous schoolgirl, but that wasn't how we did things. She might be one of the only girls I kept around, but that had nothing to do with liking her. She was easy. I always knew she would drop whatever she was doing to be exactly where I told her to be and do precisely what I told her to do. She would never be more than that.

"What do you want, Alexi?" I growled, annoyed by the questions.

"Do you want to go to Tanner's party with me tonight?" she asked. I almost laughed, thinking she was joking, but when I looked down, I realized she wasn't.

"No." I started walking again. Alexi was me in female form. We didn't date.

"Can I come back to your place after?" she asked.

What had been so great about Alexi, she had just ruined. Not only was Alexi easy, but she was also completely comfortable walking away with no strings attached. We didn't hang out after. We didn't snuggle or make small talk. She left. We weren't friends, and we didn't go to parties together.
