Page 42 of Ruined

“Uncuff me now, and I will limit your punishment to the schoolgirl spanking you deserve for going too far. Make me wait any longer, and I promise you will get absolutely every bit of what you deserve if it takes me months to deliver it.”

A delicious shiver of delight runs through me, and though I do my best to hide it, I know he has seen it. Hiding my reactions from Angelo is basically impossible, but I try anyway. There’s a chance he’ll miss something. He missed this plan during its formulation, so he’s not perfect.

“I like the idea of a schoolgirl spanking,” I tell him. “Maybe I’ll get Bobby to give me one later. For now, you’re my captive, Angelo.”

“Of course I am,” he says, his voice a deep gravelly purr of dominant annoyance. “I should have anticipated this. Bobby shot me. You, predictably, are less violent but more twisted.”

“I learned from the best,” I smile. It is true. I would never have done anything like this before Angelo took me and turned my world and my self inside out. “You look good in chains,” I tell him.

Maybe I am a little brave, because we both know I’ll be paying for this once he’s free, and we both know he will be free soon enough. Though things are currently congenial, I want him to know that I’m not some pawn he can mess with without consequences. Those days I spent being fucked around in custody were terrifying. I didn’t know if I’d ever see daylight again. I want him to feel some of that fear, as much of it as I can make him feel.

“I look good in anything,” he replies, his Sicilian drawl thicker and deeper than it has ever been. He is being eminently seductive, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t turned on seeing him bound. There is something very fucking sexy about having a dominant, dangerous man captive to my will.

“What are you and Bobby going to eat while I am down here?”

“Take out, probably.”

“Almost certainly,” Angelo sighs. “You two are like a pair of children. And where does he think I am?”

“He thinks you’re where you usually are, which is wherever you want to be. I don’t think he’ll come down here.”

“No. I don’t suppose he will,” Angelo says. “This will be an instructive experience for you, Riley. Every young criminal should know how to hold a captive.”

That gets my ire up immediately. I wag my finger at him reflexively as I correct that notion. “Don’t try to turn this into some training exercise. Don’t make it seem like it was your idea. This was my idea, and you’re going to suffer.”

“Good,” he smiles. “An excellent threat, though you should probably try to be a little less obviously sensitive. You’re already obviously rattled, Riley. Are you sure you don’t want to let me go, take a little spanking, and have a nice, proper meal for dinner?”

I grit my teeth and narrow my eyes. “Stop that,” I growl.

Angelo laughs at me. “Adorable. You won’t last a day.”

“You should really be more worried about yourself,” I tell him. “It’s been a long time since you were captive, old man, and I spent a lot of time watching you, reading reports about you, learning all I could about you. I know you in ways you don’t know yourself.”

His laugh fades to a smile that is more grim than amused. Good. I want him rattled. I want him to feel that loss of control that you get when somebody else is in your head and has you cuffed. I’ve felt it plenty of times. Now it’s his turn. But he’s not going to go easy.

“This is some foreplay, Riley,” he says. “While you’re enjoying your freedom, I suggest you try a few of the toys I keep in the bedroom. The plugs and tails specifically. You’ll be wearing both of them a lot once this little charade is over.”

“When it’s over,” I remind him. “I have you now. Later? I don’t give a fuck about later. You can do what you want later.”

“And I will,” he assures me.

I hear a thud upstairs.

“Sounds like Bobby’s back with dinner. You want some fries?”

Angelo growls, and it is my turn to laugh. His fine tastes will be his downfall.

“I’ll make you a sandwich,” I tell him. “Because I’m not a complete monster.”

“Not yet,” he says. “But you are well on your way, little Riley.”

* * *

I go upstairs feeling triumphant. I’ve done it. I’ve given him a little taste of his own medicine. I have Angelo under house arrest. I’m shocked at my own nerve.

“You look proud of yourself,” Bobby says. He’s come home with three pizzas for lunch. I know two of them are for him, but maybe he’ll spare a couple slices for Angelo. I said I’d make him a sandwich, but maybe I won’t. Maybe I’ll do what Angelo does, whatever the hell I want.

I slide into the seat at the counter and grab myself a slice of Bobby’s pizza. He put a six-pack of cold soda in the fridge too. This is pretty good, actually. Soda, pizza, decent company in Bobby.