Page 9 of Shadow

I needed to check on Faith and the more the fucker talked, the harder it was not to wrap my hands around his neck and end him myself.

Chapter Two


I found Faith in her greenhouse. The one place she always ran to. Faith had the gift. Well, at least I thought it was a gift. My sister could grow anything. It seemed the second she stuck her hands in dirt, shit just grew. Flowers, plants, vegetables, you name it. My sister had the green thumb.

“I’m fine, Zeke,” Faith muttered, as she watered her plants. As the oldest of my sisters, Faith was also older than me by five months. I remember when dad would take me over to Shirley’s and Faith and I would play together. She was my best friend for most of my younger years. Then, in the blink of an eye, everything changed.

“I’m sorry Faith. I didn’t handle that very well.”

My sister shook her head.

“It’s alright, Zeke. I’ve tried talking to her about the dangers that lurk in the shadows, but she doesn’t listen. Charity only believes what she can see. She lives in her perfect bubble where nothing ever goes wrong. She won’t understand that our own brother molested and sodomized her sisters. I get it. Sometimes even I have a hard time believing it myself and I lived through it.”

“If she knew, she would understand.”

“No,” Faith stated flatly, shaking her head. “I don’t want her tainted with my past. It’s bad enough that you and Balthazar know. Charity is young, and she deserves to live her life free from the horror of my past.”

“No, she needs to understand and empathize with the fact that two of her sisters suffered the unimaginable. She needs to be less callous of the situation.”

Faith smirked. “Pigs will fly first.”

“What I don’t understand is why Hope went?”

“She went to protect Charity, and like she said, she had a good time. This Kali person seemed really sweet, and the brothers were very respectful. A few of them even escorted the girls home safely.”

“I know of the Diamondbacks, Faith. I don’t want Charity around them. At all. That club has a troubled past. Five years ago, the Mexican cartel attacked the club and Kansas, their President, suffered an unimaginable loss. They all did. It hardened them.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter, because Nevil isn’t a member.”

Cautiously, I stepped forward. “Faith, I know a club brother in the making when I see one. He may not be a member now, but he will be soon. Trust me. I just know.”

“Then you better stick around, baby brother, because Hope has been secretly talking with a member named Angel.”

“What the fuck!”

“Apparently, they met at the club function. I don’t know if they’ve met yet or even seen each other since, but I know they text and sometimes I can hear her talking to him at night. And before you say anything, I have warned her. She knows the dangers. Maybe that’s why she is taking it slow, but Zeke, as for Charity, she is going to do whatever she wants.”

Rubbing the back of my neck, I leaned against the wooden shelf that lined the wall of Faith’s greenhouse. “I don’t understand. How can Hope even consider anything with a club member? Especially after what he did.”

Faith chuckled. “You can say his name, Zeke. It doesn’t bother me anymore. Malachi was sick. We all knew that. He paid for his sins. He can’t hurt me anymore.”

“I want to kill him all over again every time I think about what he did to you and Hope.”

“Well, I think Ari did a beautiful job of that. Honestly, Zeke. I’m good. I’m in a good place. I like it here. I have my greenhouse and a few friends.”

“Anyone I need to run off for you?”

Faith laughed.

Really laughed.

Smiling, I looked at my sister, hearing her laughter warmed my heart. It had been so long. I thought I’d never hear that sound again. Faith wasn’t like my other three sisters. She was always shy and reserved. She preferred standing in the shadows and watching everyone. I always fancied myself her protector. So, it was a hard pill to swallow when I learned what Malachi did to her. I would have thought she would have told me.

“No. I don’t think I will ever be in a relationship in the traditional sense. I’m okay with that. I like my life. It’s simple.”

“You deserve happiness too, Faith.”