Page 79 of Shadow

“Yes, everyone seems to like that part, too.”

“Oh, that sounds fun,” Joy piped up. “Wonder if they would let me have a show, too. I could talk about the latest trends, fashion, make-up and all the latest gossip in Hollywood.”

“Joy, it’s a radio station. Not television,” Charity snarked.

“What’s the difference?” Joy asked. “People will see me.”

Faith groaned. “Joy, it’s radio. Not television.”

“I could do a podcast,” Joy countered.

“No. podcasts are through the internet. Radio is over the airwaves.”

“So is television. I don’t see a difference.” Joy huffed.

Ending this conversation before it got out of hand, I said “Joy, television is where you see people, like the nightly news or television shows. Podcasts are through a webcam and done over the internet from a computer or your phone. Radio is just your voice, and you speak into a microphone that’s transmitted over the airwaves. People don’t see my face. They don’t even know what I look like. All they hear is my voice. With radio, people can listen in their cars, on their phones or on a stereo system.”

“What’s a stereo?”

Nevil laughed loudly as Faith face palmed her head.

Hope got up from the table only to return moments later, placing a small box radio next to Joy. “That is a radio. Faith and I listen to Joan on that.”

Joy picked it up, twisting it this way and that, frowning as she placed it back on the table. “Uh, where’s the plug in for my iPhone?”

Laughter rang out around the room as Hope snatched the radio back from her sister. “It doesn’t have an iPhone plug. It runs on batteries.”

“Joy,” I said, smiling. “I have a show tomorrow night. If you would like, you can come with me and see what I do.”

“Really!” Shadow’s youngest sister perked up. “I’d love to!”

“Love to what?” Shadow asked, walking into the kitchen, making a beeline for me. Before I could say a word, he tilted my head back and kissed me thoroughly as my body melted into his. “Hmm. Needed that. How you are feeling, baby?”

Brain complete mush, I whispered, “Better now.”

Shadow smiled, kissing the tip of my nose.

“Zeke!” Joy shouted excitedly. “Joan said I could watch her podcast!”

Hope moaned. “I give up.”

“Not a podcast,” I reiterated, as Shadow moved around the large table, greeting and kissing all the women in his life.

It was a sight, that was for sure.


Rounding the table back to me, he clearly said for all to hear, “Baby, I need to speak with you.”

Looking up at him, I nodded.

Getting to my feet, he took my hand and led me back to his room, where he closed and locked the door. Facing me, he asked, concerned, “Are you sure you’re, okay?”

“A little sore, but I’m good. My shoulder doesn’t hurt thanks to the pain meds. Why?”

“Good,” he said, before he grabbed me and kissed me hard. Dear God, this man’s kiss was a mixture of pure sin and the promise of sex.

I had no time to respond before I felt the heat of his body press along my back. His very distinctive erection pressed against my ass, as his hand slid teasingly across my chest to rest under my jaw, tilting my head gently back to him. I tried to stop myself but couldn’t, as I ground my ass back, pressing against his hardness.