“Alright,” Kansas muttered. “Fine, but I need this wrapped up fast. Don’t like knowing that one of my officers is a coldhearted killer.”
“Like me, you mean?”
“No,” Kansas shook his head. “You were a club’s executioner. Reaper specifically gave you that job. You did what you had to. To protect the club. As for Jinx, well you already know how I feel about that. Whoever massacred the former club members and all those here that day is a fucking psychopath, and I want him eliminated fast.”
“Can make this go away real fast if I call in some help.”
“Who do you have in mind?”
Kansas said nothing for the longest time. “Fine. Do it. As soon as you know who it is, I want to know,” he ordered, handing me back the photo adding. “And I want to know everything about that picture. You can keep everyone else’s secret, but this I want to know.”
“He still challenging you?”
“Church is next week. I expect him to formally bring up the vote then.”
“So, I have one week then.”
Kansas got to his feet and stated, “Work fast,Shadow. Both of our lives depend on it.”
Chapter Sixteen
Sitting in my small office at the radio station, I was going through the five emails I’d received when Conner walked in, taking a seat.
“Looks like you survived the storm last night.”
That was an understatement.
If he only knew.
“Got really bad here. Fucking hail dented my truck.”
“Sorry to hear that,” I muttered, typing in a response to an avid listener.
“So, who was the guy that picked you up?”
“No one, you know,” I whispered, not really paying attention.
“I know. That’s why I’m asking.”
Looking up from the computer, I asked. “He’s a friend. Why?”
“Seemed shady to me. Don’t like him.”
I laughed. “You never met him.”
“Don’t want to either,” he replied, then added, “So, you back at your apartment yet? Thought I’d come over and help you clean up. Maybe even order pizza or something.”
“That’s a nice offer, Conner, but I’m not staying at my apartment.”
He scoffed. “You staying with him, then?”
“Not that it’s any of your business, but yes, I am.”
Getting to his feet, I heard him mutter, “Whatever.”