Seconds later, bright lights formed a glow in the trees surrounding me, the roar of an engine getting close. I turned around as a car veered over the hill.
They were going too fast.
Too fast…
Ten years later
As I strode through the lobby of the resort and casino, I shook my head. I had to give it to the man, he’d made a fortune over the years. Not that Cain Cross hadn’t been born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Well, the truth was that so had I, yet I had a feeling I’d worked harder to achieve billionaire status than he had.
Especially since a good portion of the Cross family wealth had been made through unscrupulous methods. Although I was a man who had crossed the line more than once or twice. Chuckling, I headed into the lounge, immediately finding a seat at the bar.
“Whatdya have?” the bartender asked within seconds.
“Macallan double cask single malt.”
“A man of impeccable tastes. Chuck, I’ll have the same. This is my very good friend, Hunter Augustine. Take good care of him and whatever he wants is on the house.”
“Yes, sir, Mr. Cross.”
Grinning, I turned my head then stuck out my arm for a shake. “Cain Cross, as I live and breathe.”
“Who did you expect to find?” His eyes twinkled as he accepted the gesture, pumping my hand as if in recognition of the number of years it had been since we’d seen each other. “This is my empire. What do you think? I should add, one of many.”
“Now you run several empires. Still arrogant as fuck.”
“You know it. Well-deserved, I might add.”
“That remains to be seen.” I’d seen pictures, the eligible bachelor appearing in several glossy magazines with one gorgeous woman after another adorning his arm like prized poodles.
He laughed, and as soon as Chuck placed our rocks glasses on the napkins, he lifted his drink for a toast. “It’s been too long, my friend.”
“Yeah, it really has.” I’d almost resisted calling him after making plans on traveling to Chicago on business. The last thing I wanted was to rehash old memories. I’d moved on with my life. But as had happened before, I wouldn’t be allowed to get away without talking to him and maybe Cristiano as well.
“What has it been, six years?”
“About that.” I took a sip of my drink and scanned the bar. “Ten years of freedom from the City of Hope.” Shit. Now, I was the one who’d mentioned the place where the Damned had fucked up several lives. The entire system had crumbled after we’d left, the myopic society that had once held the world in the palm of their hand collapsing. Maybe it was better for all involved, although I doubted the three of us would ever be invited to a reunion.
Cain hunkered over the bar. “It wasn’t all bad.”
“Speak for yourself.” After the incident, I’d taken my last exam and left without bothering to share in the graduation celebrations. I’d planned on never seeing a soul again, including my two buddies, but it seemed fate continued to find the need to remind us of the tragedy. We’d gotten together every couple of years, the first under less than pleasant circumstances.
“What brings you to Chicago?”
“Business for one. Elite business for another.”
“Elite business?” He turned so he could face me. “What happened?”
I took a deep breath, glancing at the crowded space before answering. “I think The Iceman is still alive.”
His eyes opened wide. “What makes you say that?”
“Because I was attacked last week in my office. The asshole almost succeeded in putting a bullet in my brain.”