“Yeah, I can understand. I just wanted to check to see if you needed anything.”
“I’m sorry. What’s your name?”
“Marty. I’m one of Cain’s men.”
“Oh, okay. No, I’m fine. I think I’m going to make a drink. Would you like one?”
He didn’t answer right away, allowing what appeared to be a heated gaze to fall to my feet. I was instantly uncomfortable, but I chastised myself for being ridiculous.
“I’m on duty. Maybe I’ll take one later after this is finished.”
This. Even the way he said the single word seemed odd. I moved towards the bar, rolling my finger across the screen on my phone, noticing I’d accidentally scrolled to the text Hunter had sent me when I’d left for San Diego. Just reading the words again offered some comfort.
As I pulled down a glass, I realized he was standing in the same spot staring at me. For some reason it annoyed the hell out of me. I poured a glass of wine, then tipped my head towards him, keeping my rockstar practiced smile on my face. “Did you need anything else, Marty?”
I backed away from the bar, moving towards the set of French doors. Another rumble of thunder sounded closer. I quickly looked outside, unable to see any of the guards.
“No. Not right now. Soon.”
Another tremor of fear drifted into my system. The wind was getting stronger, the sense of foreboding worse. As another flash of lightning powered closer to the estate, the sky took on an eerie blue color. Then I noticed something odd. I opened the door and within seconds, Marty was directly behind me.
“You don’t want to do that, Sage.”
He’d called me Sage. I immediately moved outside and tossed the glass in his face. But he was too quick, grabbing my arm and yanking me backward into the house.
But not before I noticed one of the guards. He’d been shot.
After being pitched over the back of the couch, I struggled to stand, shocked the phone was still in my hand. Without hesitation, I typed in four letters.
Then I heard a deep, ominous voice. “Hello, Sage. I thought it about time that we met.”
How long had I suffered with its effects, the damning emotion biting into me every chance it had. I’d remained enraged my entire life, forfeiting so much of what others would call happiness because of my hatred. Sadly, I’d used the energy on the wrong people.
The thought of betrayal entered my mind once again. I’d killed men for less without blinking. I’d stood over them as the last seconds of their lives had played out, limbs torn apart, some gutted by my knife.
Yet not one of the kills had provided me with satisfaction or peace.
The sky looked like it was going to open up at any moment, bolts of lightning crisscrossing the sky. The ugly weather was fitting.
Especially for my sour mood.
“I love her.” My sudden exclamation brought pointed eyes. “We can’t lose her.”
“I don’t plan on it,” Hunter said. “I never did.”
“I thought that was apparent.” Cristiano shifted in his seat.
“It had to be said. She belongs to us. Period.”