“Yes,” Claire said. “I know all about that. Roxie and I both do.”

Roxie nodded. “Yep.”

Paulina frowned. “But you had Bryan.”

Claire laughed. “Not much, I didn’t. And when he was home, he wasn’t a lot of help.”

“Same here,” Roxie said. “But we got our girls raised.” A soft spot opened up in her heart for Paulina, one she didn’t want to acknowledge. She didn’t want to like this woman. “I guess we’re here, if you’re ever desperate.”

Claire’s eyes narrowed. “Sorry, but don’t include me in that. With the bakery opening, I’m not going to have a moment to spare.” She sighed. “I don’t mean to be unkind, but my tolerance for Bryan and his philandering has pretty much been used up. I’ve already spent too many years of my life held back by that man. I’m focusing on myself and my own family from here on out.”

Paulina nodded. “I suppose I can understand that. He was really married to both of you at the same time?”

“Yes,” Claire said. “He married Roxie a few years after he married me. Our daughters are the same age, too. Only born a day a part.”

Roxie snorted. “He even named them the same so he wouldn’t forget which is which. Kat and Trina are both short for Katrina.”

“Oh my,” Paulina said. “I’m starting to feel like I didn’t really know Bryan at all.”

Roxie sat back. “Welcome to the club.”

Jules pulled the last piece of chicken out of the sauté pan and put it on a plate, then headed for the laundry room to get Toby’s leash. “I’m going down there. Toby needs to go out.”

Cash chuckled. “Mom, Toby is asleep on the couch. You just want to see what’s going on with Wife Number Three.”

Jules grabbed the leash and came back, jangling the leash and patting her leg to get Toby’s attention. “Come on, boy. Let’s go out to pee.” Toby got off the couch and trotted over as Jules looked at her son. “Okay, maybe I do want to see this woman and find out what’s going on, but that’s my sister and niece down there.”

“I’d like to know, too,” Margo said. “But I’m not sure Claire wants us to get involved.”

Cash shook his head. “Like that’s ever stopped either of you before.”

“Cash.” Jules raised her brows at him before talking to her mother again. “We’re Claire’s family.” She clipped Toby’s leash to his collar. “We’re already involved.”

Margo stood. “True.” She picked up the remote and pressed Pause. “All right. Let’s go. Just to make sure Claire and Kat are all right.”

Jules turned around and pushed the call button for the elevator. Her mom joined her. Jules slipped her hand through the leash’s loop. “Cash, if you want to eat, you can. Just leave some for the rest of us.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

The elevator doors opened. She and her mom got on with Toby between them. The doors closed.

“I don’t like this at all,” her mother said. “Another wife shows up just as Bryan’s insurance money gets distributed?”

“I agree,” Jules said. “The timing is pretty interesting.”

The doors opened. Claire and Roxie were sitting with a young woman in the conversation area while Kat and Trina were a little further away. Trina had a baby in her arms.

Jules gave them a nod as they all looked over. “Hi. Toby needed to pee.”

Claire waved them over. “Come meet Paulina.” Claire introduced Paulina to her family. “This is my sister, Jules, and my mother, Margo. Ladies, this is Paulina. Another of Bryan’s wives.”

Margo sniffed. “Hopefully the last.”

Claire nodded. “That would be nice.”

Jules smiled at the young woman, who looked like she’d gotten more than she’d bargained for and wasn’t entirely sure how to deal with it. “Hello.”

“Hello,” Paulina said. “Nice to meet you.”