“Are you selling your place in Landry then?” Claire asked.
Margo nodded. “Yes. I have to. I have some savings, of course, but not enough to want to pay two mortgages and handle the remodeling. I’ll probably be getting a storage unit for my things.”
Jules shifted to see her mother better. “You can’t put them in the garage at the new house?”
“Maybe,” Margo said. “It all depends on the timing of things. When the current owners move. That sort of thing.”
“And how did you find out about this place?” Kat asked.
“The house is in Conrad’s neighborhood.” Margo readied herself for their comments. “He knows the people who are selling it.”
Jules got a big smile on her face like Margo had just told them all a big secret. “Isn’t that cozy?” She laughed. “Good for you, Mom.”
“I’m not sure what you’re implying but there’s nothing untoward going on.”
Jules snickered. “Mom, I think it’s great. Be as untoward as you want. You’re both consenting adults.”
“What?” Jules said with an exaggerated smile, proof of how amusing she found herself. “You’re allowed to have fun in your life, you know. If you want to live next door to your boyfriend, go for it.”
Margo almost said, “He’s not my boyfriend.” But that was exactly what Conrad had become. Denying it would be a lie.
Claire’s mouth bent in a smug little smile. “I mean, I am, and look how that’s working out. Pretty darn good.”
Kat laughed. “This is not a conversation I ever thought we’d be having.”
“Nor I,” Margo said. She tightened her lips together, but she wasn’t really that upset. Her daughters were certainly full of ideas, though. “Perhaps we should just watch the show. This is research for me now, you know.”
Claire leaned back. “How is the book coming?”
“It’s going all right,” Margo answered. “We’re happy with how the draft is developing. I just hope we can maintain our progress. It’s harder than you think.”
“I’m sure it is,” Claire said. “I can’t imagine trying to write a book. I hope it’s a runaway success. I can’t wait to read it.”
“Me, too,” Kat said.
“Thank you,” Margo said. “That is very kind of you both. If you can be honest, we’d appreciate feedback when we get to that point.”
“We’ll be honest,” Kat said. “Even if it’s hard. Although I’m sure it’ll be great.”
Margo could only hope.
Jules was still grinning. “I can’t believe we’re going to have an author in the family. That’s pretty cool.”
Claire sat up again. “Hey, can we see the house?”
“Yes,” Margo said. “But not in person until the deal is done. I don’t want to bother the Clarkes by traipsing my whole family through the place. I did take pictures, though, and I’d be happy to show you those.”
They all gathered around while she scrolled through the photos on her phone. There were a lot of comments, mostly positive, but also affirming just how much work she had ahead of her.
After that, they all settled in to watch the show and as the closing credits were rolling, the elevator doors opened. Danny and Alex stepped off. They didn’t come any further in than just the front of the elevator.
“All hail the conquering heroes,” Margo proclaimed.
Danny nodded at them. “Ray is taken care of. We got him a room and made sure he was in it. He’ll have to come back over here tomorrow to get his car, but I’m happy to supervise that so Kat doesn’t have to interact with him again.”
Kat got to her feet. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate both of you helping me like this.” She went to Alex’s side.