“And Claire is…?”
“Still at Danny’s. But Kat just came home. She has some news, but I’ll let her tell you herself. Did you try the new cookies Claire made?”
“No.” Margo had some very small regrets about getting the chicken salad sandwich at the diner. Everyone’s pie had looked so good, but she’d had cake at Conrad’s earlier and she only allowed herself a certain amount of sugar in a day.
“Well, you should try one. Even if it’s just a little piece. Claire’s really done something new and interesting.”
Margo nodded. “Maybe I’ll have one with a cup of tea.” She wished she’d invited Conrad up. They could have watched a forensics show together. Although maybe Kat would be interested.
The sound of the sliders opening was followed by Cash’s voice calling out, “Mom, I’m ready. I’ve got your guitar.”
Jules got up. “Coming.” She grabbed her purse off the dresser. “See you later, Mom. Kat’s already promised to take Toby out for his bedtime pee.”
“Okay. Have a good night.”
As Jules and Cash left, Margo slipped into a pair of lounging pajamas, then went to Kat’s room and knocked. “Kat? I heard you have news.”
Kat opened the door with a big smile on her face. “I do. Future Florida offered me a job. A really good one.”
“Oh, sweetheart, that is the best news. I’m so happy for you.” She hugged her granddaughter. “That is just fantastic.”
Kat nodded. “I am thrilled. I really thought I’d blown it, but I guess I didn’t. I mean, obviously.”
“Well, clearly they know what a catch you are.”
Kat’s grin was enormous. “How was your night? You went to the play, right?”
“We did and we had a lovely time. I was thinking I might watch a show or two. Maybe have a cup of tea and one of these cookies your mom made. Care to join me?”
“Yeah, totally. Those cookies are really good. The guys at the fire station loved them.”
“You went to the fire station?”
They walked out to the kitchen together.
“Just to see Alex. I ended up eating with them. They had tacos. And tonight was movie night, but about halfway through the movie, they got called out to an accident, so I came home.”
“Hard job, being a first responder.” Margo put the kettle on. A first responder would make a very interesting main character. In a different book. She stored the idea away for later.
“It is. They’re such a nice group of guys. I’m so glad I’ve gotten to spend some time with them.”
“How are you and Alex getting on?”
Kat smiled as she got the tin of cookies from the other counter and set them on the island. “We’re doing just fine. We’re going surfing tomorrow with Trina and Miles. The boys are supposed to teach us. Not sure how that’s going to go, but it should be fun regardless. Afterwards, we’re going to a place called Coconuts for dinner.”
Margo got out two cups and put a tea bag in each one. “I was going to tell you to be safe, but I don’t think you can be safer than with a firefighter and a paramedic.”
Kat laughed. “No, probably not. How’s Conrad?”
It was Margo’s turn to smile. “He’s well. I’ve never met a man who knows so many people in town. Or is known by so many. I bet he spoke with eighty percent of the people who came to see the play tonight.”
“Wow. Maybe he should run for mayor.”
“Oh, no,” Margo said. “He’s got too much on his plate already.”
“Right, the book. How’s that coming along?”