“Okay.” She got up but stayed out of the way as half the station filed out, Miles among them. She gave the guys a few minutes, then said goodbye to the rest of the crew and headed home.
She was parked at the beach house before she remembered the email from Future Florida. She pulled her phone out and decided to take a look before she went inside. Better to get it over with out here.
She opened up her inbox and tapped the email to read it.
She stared at the words in front of her. They were offering her the position of data scientist, a job that entailed combing through their mountains of gathered information to help them decide all kinds of things, from how to better fundraise to where they should be investing to even who they should be helping.
She would be compiling data and helping them make important decisions. It was a big deal. Far bigger than what she’d thought she’d end up doing.
Not only that, but the salary was almost double what she was making now. And if that wasn’t enough, they were also offering her a small, five-figure starting bonus if she agreed to sign a three-year contract.
All things considered, it was a very good deal. She grinned. One she was absolutely going to take.
Ethan had been holding Roxie’s hand ever since intermission and she loved it. The play wasn’t bad, either. Funnier than she’d expected, and his mom was surprisingly good. Roxie had no complaints about the evening, which was also kind of surprising.
Truth be told, she hadn’t anticipated a night at the seniors center being anything special, but it was turning out to be a great time.
When the play ended, she and Ethan joined the rest of the audience in a standing ovation. Ethan’s mom, Judy, looked thrilled as she lined up with the rest of the cast members and took a bow.
He leaned in to whisper in Roxie’s ear. “I have to run out to my truck. Be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”
“Okay.” She wasn’t sure what was going on, but she didn’t move.
He returned a couple of minutes later, holding a bouquet of multicolored roses. “For my mom.”
Roxie smiled. “That is so sweet.”
“I’m going to wait out front for her.”
“I’ll wait with you. If that’s all right.” She wasn’t sure Ethan was ready to introduce her to his mom and she didn’t want to push it if he wasn’t.
“That would be great. I’d love for her to meet you.”
“Okay.” Roxie let Trina know what was going on.
Trina nodded. “I’ll tell Mimi where you’re going. We’ll see you out there. But I think she wants to hit the bathroom first.”
“No problem.”
In front of them, Margo and her date, Conrad, turned around. Margo was all smiles. “That was fantastic, wasn’t it?”
Roxie nodded. “It was. Ethan’s mom was Martha Brewster.”
Conrad looked surprised. “Was she? Outstanding performance.”
“It was,” Margo said. “You must be proud.”
“Thanks. I am,” Ethan said. He held up the flowers. “I brought these for her no matter how the play went, but now I’m extra glad I have them.”
He and Roxie made their way out through the throng and waited off to one side. Very soon, the cast came out, still in their costumes and makeup.
Ethan gave his mom a big hug. “You were so good.” He handed her the flowers.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” His mom looked at Roxie.
Ethan quickly introduced them. “Mom, this is Roxie Thompson. I’m remodeling the old strip mall for her and her mom. They bought it. Her daughter is opening a beauty shop there. Roxie, this is my mom, Judy.”
“Isn’t that nice,” Judy said. “And you came to the play! That was so kind of you.”