“Conrad!” But she laughed and shook her head. He could be incorrigible sometimes. Still charming, even if he was a little naughty.
He grinned, obviously pleased with himself. “Come on. Just a small piece.”
“All right.” She was a little peckish. They’d ordered in salads for lunch from the pizza place in town and they’d been delicious, but salad, even with chicken on it, only went so far. “But we should talk through the next few chapters while we have our break.”
He got up. “You’re quite the taskmaster.”
“One of us has to keep this project on track.”
He saluted her, eyes glittering with amusement. “Yes, ma’am.” Then he snorted. “How about that. I might actually like being bossed around by a woman. At least if that woman is you.”
She pursed her lips. “That’s going to make things a lot easier.”
He laughed out loud. “I guess it will.” He started for the kitchen. “Coffee and cake and brainstorming, coming up.”
She followed him and took over the coffee making while he got the cake out, along with some cups and plates. “I have a little news to share with you.”
“Oh? What’s that?”
She glanced over at him. He was getting a knife out of the drawer. “I’ve decided to sell my place in Landry and buy something here.”
He stopped what he was doing to look at her. “You mean that?”
She nodded. “I do. I’m staying. We all are and I want to be near my family.”
“I’m not trying to influence your decision, but there’s about to be a house for sale in this neighborhood.”
She smiled. “That actually does sound like you’re trying to influence my decision, but I don’t mind. I like this neighborhood. And being close to you would be a bonus. I’m not ready to buy just yet, though. I have to sell my place first.”
“This house isn’t up for sale yet. The owners are Sal and Mirna Clarke and I know for a fact that they’re planning to move to Georgia soon to be near their daughter and grandkids. It’s a nice house. Nothing too big, maybe twelve hundred square feet. But it has three bedrooms, two baths, two-car garage, nice landscaping. Small pool but big enough to swim laps in. Might need a little updating here or there, but if you talked to them and did a deal without a realtor, they might give you a better price.”
Margo pushed the button to get the coffee brewing. “That’s an interesting thought. I’m just in the very early stages of all of this. I don’t even have my car here. I have to take care of moving everything, although I really have no place to put it.”
She considered that. “I suppose I might have to get a storage unit for a couple months.”
“Do you have a lot of things?”
“I have a houseful. Not a tremendous amount that I’m attached to, but I have a few pieces that are dear to me. And honestly, it makes no sense to buy new at my age. For financial reasons as well as practical ones.”
“Right, I get that. But you don’t have to do all that alone, you know. I can help.”
“That’s a lot to ask, Conrad.”
He shook his head. “No, it isn’t. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t lend a hand on something like that?”
She couldn’t help but smile. “Is that what you are? My boyfriend?”
He straightened ever so slightly. “Well, aren’t I?”
“I don’t know.” She hadn’t expected this conversation. “Are you? Do you want to be?”
“Haven’t I made that clear?” His brow furrowed. “I like you a lot, Margo. You already know that. I can’t see myself with anyone else. And if you’re moving here, then I see great things ahead for us.”
“I haven’t been anyone’s girlfriend in a very long time.” Her heart beat just a little faster at the idea.
“So you’re out of practice then? Good to know.” His eyes narrowed like he was taking that into consideration. “I suppose I can give you a couple weeks’ probationary period, see how you do.”
She sharpened her look. The rascal. “A probationary period? I should go home right now, except I didn’t drive.”