She needed something to do. “Is there anything I could do to help?”
He shook his head slowly, like he was thinking. “Just make sure all the selections are made for the salon. We still need sinks and faucets. The back room is going to need a sturdy washer and dryer. Then there’s all the other stuff you need for a salon. Chairs. Mats for the stylists to stand on. I’m sure Trina knows. But it should be picked out and ordered pretty soon. You never know how long it’ll take to get some of those things in. Oh, signage, too.”
“We’re working on a lot of that already,” she said. “But I’ll make sure it all gets done.” Wasn’t really the answer she’d been looking for. She’d wanted something more physical to do. But she supposed it would have to do for now.
“I’d ask if you want to have dinner tonight, but my evening is already spoken for.”
“So is mine. I’m going with my mom to see a play at the seniors center tonight.”
He laughed. “Arsenic and Old Lace?”
“Yeah. How did you know?”
“Because my mother is playing Martha Brewster, one of the old ladies.”
Roxie grinned. “So you’ll be there? Maybe we can sit together.”
“Please, let’s,” he said. “I really don’t want to be there alone.”
“Then it’s a date.”
Willie and Trina approached. Willie waved the yellow duplicate receipt. “All ordered.”
“Good,” Roxie said. “Because we have a lot more to order.”
Trina nodded. “I know. I’ve been thinking about that and doing a lot of looking online. I’ve got all kinds of lists made.”
“Well, let’s finalize some of those decisions today.”
Ethan smiled knowingly. “Roxie’s right. The sooner you can get things ordered, the better. There’s plenty of room in the salon to store anything that comes in.” He glanced at Willie. “Did they say when the light fixtures would be in?”
She nodded and looked at the receipt, but Trina answered. “Two to three days, maybe sooner depending on what’s in the warehouse. How soon do you think the back room will be done? I found a commercial washer and dryer that should work but I want to get measurements to be sure.”
“I can make sure it’s done sooner than anything else. We’re going to need a laundry sink in there, as well. I’ve already ordered a shelving unit.” Ethan glanced at the time on his phone. “I need to get over to the center anyway. Why don’t you guys head over there, too, then you can see the progress that’s been made and get your measurements.”
Trina sighed. “I didn’t think to bring a tape measure.”
“Don’t worry,” Ethan said. “I have one in my truck.”
“All right,” Roxie said. “To the center we go.”
She drove again, staying right behind Ethan’s truck. “Ethan’s going to be at the play tonight. His mom is in it. She’s one of the old ladies who’s poisoning people.”
“People get poisoned?” Trina looked surprised.
Willie laughed. “It’s got ‘arsenic’ in the title, my girl. What did you think they were going to do with that?”
“I don’t know,” Trina said. “I guess I should have watched the movie.”
“You should anyway,” Willie said.
Roxie nodded. “Cary Grant is in it, which should be all the recommendation you need.”
“Ah, yes.” Willie sighed. “He was really something, wasn’t he? I think Miguel looks like Cary Grant a little. If Cary Grant had been from Puerto Rico.”
Trina giggled. “Didn’t you say that about one of your husbands?”
“What can I say?” Willie shrugged. “I have a type.”