If Future Florida didn’t hire her because she wore open-toed shoes to the interview, that was on them, not her.

Although she really, really wanted this job and she hoped her shoe selection wouldn’t carry that much weight.

She said goodbye to her mom, who was preoccupied in the kitchen, which smelled amazing, and went down to her car.

She got in, turned on the engine, cranked the AC and immediately decided to take her jacket off until she got to the office. She hopped out and took it off. No sense in sweating in it or getting it creased. She laid it carefully on the backseat, wishing she’d brought a hanger.

As she got back behind the wheel and put her seatbelt on, her phone buzzed. She checked the screen, praying Future Florida hadn’t changed their mind.

But then she saw the message sender and smiled. Alex had texted.

Good luck! You’re going to get it. I know you are. Text me later, k?

I will, she sent back. And I hope you’re right.

She leaned her head back against the head rest, letting the cool air coming out of the vents blow over her. What would she do if she didn’t get this job? She’d have to find something. But she couldn’t think like that. Not today.

She threw the car into reverse, backed up and turned around, making herself focus on positive thoughts the whole drive there.

Somehow the trip to the Future Florida office was both too long and too short. She glanced at herself in the visor mirror to make sure she hadn’t suddenly ended up with something in her teeth, then got out, put her jacket back on and walked confidently to the door.

She stepped inside with a smile on her face that she hoped hid the nerves coursing through her.

The woman behind the reception desk glanced up. “Hello. Can I help you?”

“Kat Thompson. I have an interview?”

The woman looked at her computer and nodded. “Just a moment. I’ll let them know you’re here.” She picked up a phone, pressed a button, and said, “Kat Thompson has arrived.” Then she nodded. “Will do.”

She hung up and got to her feet. “If you’ll follow me.”

Kat did just that, walking with the woman through the door in the wall behind her desk. It led to a cool, dark corridor and then a conference room with a long wooden table and leather desk chairs.

A man and woman were seated there, but they got up as the receptionist and Kat came in. They both smiled at her.

The man nodded at the receptionist. “Thank you, Marlene.”

Marlene left. Kat stayed by the door.

The man gestured to the woman beside him. “This is Molly Hargrove and I’m Tom Phillips. We’re on the board of Future Florida and we’re very excited to meet you, Kat.”

Kat reminded herself to breathe. “Nice to meet you both as well.”

He pointed to one of the empty chairs. “Won’t you have a seat?”

“Thanks.” She took a chair on the opposite side of the table from him. Molly was seated at the head. They both sat down.

Molly opened the folder in front of her. “You have an impressive resume and a skill set that interests us. What made you look at Future Florida for job opportunities?”

Kat had already decided she wasn’t going to try to give them the answers she thought they wanted. She was going to speak from the heart and tell the truth. That was how she planned to live her life going forward, so she might as well start now. “There’s been a lot of change in my life recently.”

Tom shifted in his chair. “Can you elaborate on that?”

“Sure,” Kat said. “My father passed away unexpectedly.”

“I’m very sorry,” Molly said.

Tom nodded. “That had to be hard.”