Page 15 of Jinx

“Your brother tried to take something that didn’t belong to him. In our world that equals death and now because your dumb enough to try to avenge him, you’ve signed your own death warrant.”

The flash of a gun has a barrage of bullets pinging into the room. Something quickly catches fire illuminating the room and showing the Sons taking out men at a rapid pace. One of the bullets hits one of the Sons and three more come after the shooter like a mythical hydra.

My gun run dry, but before I have time to reach for the knife I have strapped to my ankle my name is being called by someone familiar.


I look over and see Pyro throw a shotgun my way. I catch it and cock it all in the same fluid motion without missing a step. We go back to back to give ourselves a full range of reach. The bar is burning and I can tell it’s not going to be long before the place blows. We take the fight outside.

“Cover me. I have someone I need to meet.”

“Yep.” He does and from the dark of night, I slip up behind the man who did the talking and cut his throat with the knife in my hand.

“They didn’t kill your brother. I did.” I watch him whirl around with shock and fear in his eyes, his life draining from between his hands that he quickly jerks up to his neck. “And that’s my woman he tried to take.”

And with that I see the life leave his eyes. I walk up to the others watching the clubhouse burn down. Remorse hits me hard, especially looking at some of the men’s faces.

“Thanks for helping me out back there.” I look over and catch Pyro’s eye.

“Yeah, well you’d have done the same.” I leave the question floating in my head unasked - why?- but Pyro answers it, “The girls’ safety is THE top priority in this club. We don’t fuck around with it. If you’re fighting for them…we’re a team. End of story.”

My lips tilt up in a smile.

When Pyro sees it he stiffens back up. “I’m still not happy you’re with my sister though.”

“Fair enough.” Both of us turn back to stare at the fire as the sound of sirens split the silence of the night.

“Let’s go get the girls now that the police and fire trucks are on their way.”

As soon as we’re in the bunker the women come running. Jinx flings herself at me. I catch her and she wraps her legs around me, kissing my face.

“I was so worried about you!”

“I told you…I’ll always come back for you.”

Chapter Twelve



I sit down heavily on the bed and stare at the walls of the bedroom. So much has happened in the last two months that it sometimes is too much for me to take in. The clubhouse is closed and being renovated. Not all of it burnt down but enough of it that Fury had to find us a house to rent close to my mom and dad’s and Pyro and Nori’s house.

And now…now this. It’s just…too much. And that is how Fury finds me. Sitting on the bed full-on ugly crying.

“What’s wrong? Tell me, angel.”

I shake my head not wanting to tell him. It just makes me cry harder.

“Angel, I’ll kill whoever I have to in order to make you happy - just tell me…who?”

I stare up at the man I’ve grown to love more than anything. “Sometimes…nothing you do will make it alright.” Tears leak down my cheeks as the reality of what’s happened hits me hard. “Some people just don’t get to have a Happy Ever After.”

He kneels in front of me so he’s the one looking up at me. “Bull shit! You…you will have whatever you want, and I will make sure of it! If you want a Happy Ever After then that’s what you’re going to have, angel.”

I try to suck it up but my lips tremble and I can taste the salt and sadness on them when I roll them inward. “You…can’t. You won’t.”

“I can! Just tell me…please. Your crying is breaking my heart, love.”