“What are you doing?” It comes out shaky and uncertain. I hate that I sound that way but there’s nothing I can do about it.
“Checking you. Making sure you’re alright. You bled.”
I listen to his words, so matter-of-factly, but I can’t process it. He’s moving too fast. It’s almost like he’s not affected by any of this at all.
“H…how much?”
His eyes meet mine, dark and stormy, “Not very badly,” he places a warm, wet cloth against me, “but enough for me to want to clean and take care of you.”
“O..oh.” He takes the cloth away and gives my pussy a pop kiss that has me jumping. I’m extremely sensitive apparently. “H…how did…um…how can you tell I bled? Is it on the couch or…?”
“It was on my thighs…and yours.” I blush and cover my face with my hands as he shares with me just exactly where I lost my cherry, which was apparently his freakin’ lap.
He is very thorough, going so far as to spread my lips apart and actually stare at me. What is he seeing? What do I look like now that I’ve had something the size of Fury inside of me? He tosses the rag over his shoulder while bending forward and swiping his tongue up my center. I cry out and my hips dance up and down at the contact, my body getting ready for more of what only he can give me.
He pulls away and surprises me coming up on the bed but doesn’t do anything more than roll me to my side so he can be the ‘big spoon’. I crinkle my brows and try to figure out what he’s planning. He sees it and wraps his arms even tighter around me.
“You need time to heal. Your little pussy is raw where I took you and I won’t hurt you more than I already have.”
His words catch me so off guard, shock me so much, that I’m left more than a little stunned. He doesn’t want to hurt me. Does that mean he doesn’t want to take me away from my family anymore? Or is it only physically? Doesn’t matter…taking me away would hurt me physically just as much as emotionally. It doesn’t take long before the impact of what’s happened takes over and I allow myself to slip into the sweet freedom of sleep, leaving behind the questions and worries that have become so much a part of my day since Fury came into my life.
Chapter Ten
I’ve been here longer than I’ve been in any other place and surprisingly it’s not going as I would’ve expected. I would have thought that I would be climbing the walls, itching to move on, leave, and escape the faces of the people who have become familiar to me. But surprisingly, and weirdly, that’s not what I’m feeling at all.
It has to be Jinx. She has to be the reason I don’t feel trapped or antsy about moving on. I’ve noticed how much the other club members depend on and lean on Jinx. She might not be a ‘member’ of the SONS but she certainly is the backbone of it. She has something magical about her that just draws people together, makes them feel good, and has people doing things like taking a bullet for her and she doesn’t even realize it.
Today there seems to be something…a little off about my angel. It takes me nearly all day to figure out what it is. Tonight is Entertainment Night -Jinx’s first. She’s told me a couple of times how much she’s looking forward to it but also how nervous she is because she’s never been allowed to go to one.
As soon as we walked into the room, cleared like it was on movie night, I could see why she wasn’t. I make a mental note to give her brother and father a resounding thank you when I see them again. Couples are scattered everywhere, and the lights have been turned down low. The music is loud and thumping so hard you can feel it through the floor. One thing that can’t be said about the Sons is they don’t show affection to the women in their lives because every man with a woman in the room is giving that woman the kind of attention usually reserved for religious experiences, worshipping the ground they walk on.
I’m no different. I can barely take my eyes off the woman standing by my side dressed in red and looking like a blonde goddess. She has on a simple halter top with spaghetti straps holding it up. It’s tight and highlights the curves of her breasts like spotlights. The bottom is a skirt that comes down to the floor but has two slits on either side of her legs that run all the way up to the tops of her thighs. Every time she moves so does the skirt, making it look like she’s dressed in red wine. And I suddenly realize why the Ancient Romans thought it was the drink of the gods.
She’s put her hair up on top of her head in a soft style that shows off her neck but doesn’t look harsh at all, if anything it says touch me, play with me, take me down, and wind me around your fingers. Yeah, there’s not a damned chance that it’s going to make it through the night without me sinking my hands in it. They itch just looking at it.
“You look nervous. We don’t have to be here.” She looks into my eyes and I see her gather her courage.
God, I love this woman. It’s gone from affection to lust, to straight-up love…and it’s only getting worse. Can she tell? I think others can. Her brother and dad aren’t as… hostile as they were before. Her chin goes up and she starts moving with the slow grace of the river sliding and gliding more than actually walking. I watch as her hips dance from side to side in a sexy strut that would have me on my knees if I didn’t like the view from above so well.
Seeing her soft breasts bounce just slightly in the top as she walks has my mouth watering and my dick hardening. Her eyes light on her brother and sister-in-law briefly before she gives them a nod and moves on. I can tell Pyro isn’t happy about her being here but he’s not willing to go against her either…not when I’m the one behind her, willing and able to fight all her dragons if she needs me to.
She finds us a large chair to sit in with some privacy due to the shadows that hug it. I sit in the middle and pull her down on my lap. She wiggles closer and leans back on me.
“Most of the time there’s a show going on onstage but Tempest is pregnant and Crash told her the only pole she was going to be on was his until the baby comes.”
I narrow my eyes. “How do you know that?”
She curls her lips inward and her gaze flutters away from mine, “Just because I’m told to go to my room doesn’t mean I’m going to listen and go.”
I laugh so loudly that some of the people around us look over to find out what has made me so damned happy. I bury my face in her neck and nuzzle wanting everyone to see that she’s mine. She giggles at the touch and wraps her arms around my head to hold me closer. When our eyes meet it’s nothing but heat and hunger. Her hand falls to my cheek to caress it before I pull her closer and take her mouth.
She stands without breaking the kiss and comes back into my lap straddling me. My hands drop to her ass to pull her in tighter. It doesn’t take much for her to be able to tell just exactly what she does to me. When our lips part she has a vixen’s smile tilting up the corners of her lips and more heat than the fucking sun. I can feel it seeping into my jeans and warming my lap, settling in the depths of my balls.
She listens to the music playing and starts rocking her body to the tempo. Those red-clad hips swing in a seductive sway back and forth across my lap. She comes to her knees and runs her hands slowly up her body knowing my eyes are following the trail she is making. Her hands come over her breasts cupping them the way I would. I move but she stops and shakes her finger at me silently telling me to be still, to look but not touch. God damn am I in trouble.