Page 12 of Jinx

She gives a shaky sob that isn’t caused by pain this time. Her head falls back as she takes more and more of me, her little body stretching to fit me and only me.

“You’re going to cum for me! And you’re going to keep cumming until I tell you we’re done. Aren’t you?”

She doesn’t answer so I nip her ear to focus her attention. She gives me a shaky nod before vocalizing her agreement, “Yes. Oh God! Yes!”

I flex my hips so I can pump up into her shocking a gasp out of her as her body starts to tremble in my arms. I start moving faster and faster until every bounce, every movement, has her breasts bouncing too. I growl at the picture she makes, as I take in the image of me fucking my mate, the one person I chose for me, the one person I refuse to give up.

Her body shakes harder until she finally breaks apart and shatters for me. Her orgasm hits her fast, unexpected, and hard. She gives a strangled gasp right before she whispers my name on her last breath before her world pulses, her body contrasting so hard when it’s all over she’s limp in my arms.

I wait until her body stops shuddering and her pussy stops fluttering around my shaft before I finally pull out and carry her to the bed. I mean to check her but seeing her lying there instead I pull her under me and sink in her warmth again. The damned woman, even when she’s been fucked into oblivion, won’t submit. She places her hand in the middle of my chest to push me off. I know it’s so she can climb on top even if she is sore, tender, and tired.

So I roll us until we’re both on our side and give her a cocked eyebrow to show her just how unhappy about this I am. Even if in the end it is probably better for her since it doesn’t allow me to go in too deep. But as for my fucking heart…that organ has already been in too deep to ever be my own again.

Chapter Nine



We stay tangled together on our sides with him still rocking his hips up inside of me. This position means he’s hitting a certain spot that has my legs shaking worse than they were before. Our eyes meet and my body tightens in a now familiar, but somehow new, way. We look at one another before he takes my mouth.

I feel him, actually feel him, swell inside of me. He’s driven my body higher and higher until I’m about to break and he’s not far behind me. Everything is different with him inside of me. Every brush, every caress, every touch is so much deeper and has so much more meaning.

With the last fleeting brainpower I can muster, I whisper against his mouth, “You have to pull out, Fury.” He narrows his eyes and gets that look in his eyes that tells me he’s going to try to push me. “Fury! You have to pull out. I’m not on anything.”

He realizes this damn it! He’s been with me long enough to know…right? He grabs the back of my head to hold me tighter to him while looking at me with hot, hungry eyes. “You should have thought of that while you were lying to me about being a virgin, angel.”

I swallow around the lump in my throat as he reminds me, he’s still really mad about that. “I…I didn’t lie!” He looks at me with skepticism in his eyes. “I didn’t lie…I just didn’t tell you.”

“You didn’t tell me because you knew how I would react. You understood this was where this was heading. You knew I would be up in this hot little pussy - that I would be inside of you. You never said a god damned word!”

I roll my eyes at his pretend offense, “That doesn’t matter right now. What matters is that you pull the fuck out before you cum inside of me.”

Even putting it into words has me shivering and twitching. His hold tightens but isn’t painful as he holds my gaze with those damned eyes of his. His other hand grabs onto my ass so he can move me how he wants me as we undulate against each other.

“I already came inside you, angel.” My mouth falls open with shock even as my body tightens around him. It’s like the damned thing is a traitor and doesn’t care about the consequences as long as we get to keep him with us forever.


I give a little whimper as he holds me even tighter, impossibly tighter, to him.

“The only place my cum will ever go is in you or on you. You get it all.” It’s a promise that has the very center of my body starting to spasm and throb. “So tell me, angel, in or on?”

“Oh, you…uh…oh…already came in me?” I ask the question even as I know the answer, in fact, have proof of it based on the fact that we are both soaked and dripping. He’s hitting that damned spot and causing my legs -and this time the rest of my body- to shake uncontrollably. I sink my nails into his forearms, “Fury, what…why am I…why is it like this?”

“Why are your legs shaking like crazy and you feel like you’re about to lose control of everything you thought you had control of?” He finishes my question for me. “Why do you feel like your whole world is centered right where I’m at?”

“Yes.” It’s a desperate gasp. He takes my leg and moves it so it’s thrown high over his forearm, opening me up even more.

“Because you’re about to have a g-spot orgasm. Because you were made to have my dick in you, and I was made to give you pleasure. Now tell me quick, baby. In or on?”

“Oh God! Leave it in! Leave it in me!”

He starts really working his hips and I fracture. Hell, I feel like my whole damned world fractures. I clamp down on him as it feels like every muscle I have seizes and starts rhythmically pulsing around him. Like I was made to milk his cock dry just like he said. And I flood both of our laps. Everything turns liquid heat and he pumps so much of himself inside of me it starts leaking out and down the back of my leg to soak in the bed underneath me.

For quite a while we lay with arms and legs entwined trying to catch our breath. Finally, Fury untangles himself and pulls out of me. I gasp at the sensation of losing him, of the contrast between being so full and then suddenly empty - emptier than I’ve ever felt before. It’s like losing him made me hollow inside. I don’t care for the feeling.

Before I can gather myself and rally against the idea, he’s back and spreading my legs open wide.