Page 10 of Jinx

“How is Tempest? Is she feeling alright?”

The man’s face lights up and I find my hand leaving the butt of my gun…for now. “She’s great. Loves those ginger lollipop things you got her for the morning sickness.”

Jinx jumps up and down clapping her hands. “Yeah! I’m so glad they work. I’ll be over to visit her as soon as the movie’s over.”

The man gives my little angel a nod and walks away, leaving me with Jinx. “How do you know about morning sickness and what cures it?”

“Well,” she turns around to walk backward while pulling me by the hand over to a quiet corner of the room, “there’s this little box and I ask the person inside all sorts of questions and get these answers.”

I give her a frown. I’m pretty sure she’s being a smartass.

“And I guess you caught me. It’s magic. I ask this wizard…Google, and he…it…I receive all my answers from there.”

Yeah, she’s definitely being a smart ass. She laughs and pushes me down on the oversized chair, then pulls an ottoman over so we can put our feet up on it, making it more of a little bed than an actual chair. She sits in it right beside me, placing her hand on my chest. Several people come over to talk to her, most of them to thank her for something or other she’s done for them.

When the movie starts, I take the opportunity to study the woman I am beginning to understand better. For all of her steel determination, she has a soft core that cares for people deeply. We snuggle down but the movie is the last thing I have on my mind. I lean over and whisper in her ear.

“Do you know where a throw or blanket is?”

She whispers back, “Are you cold?” She leans forward and pushes the top of the ottoman open taking out a soft, fuzzy blanket.

I help her unfold it over both of us before I lean back and pull her tighter to me. “No.”

She has enough time to show me her confusion before I take her mouth with mine. I scoot us farther down in the chair and thank my good fortune and her unconscious choice that we are in a darker part of the room. It gives me the opportunity to take another taste of something I am quickly growing insatiable over.

Can I throw her legs open and eat her like last night’s dessert? No, but that doesn’t mean I can’t get my taste. I trail my fingers down her side, cupping her t-shirt-clad breasts and rubbing my thumb over her nipples. She gasps and I take the opportunity to surge into her warm haven. I kiss her until she’s limp in my arms and breathless, making sure she’s just a little more on top of me than I am on her.

I run my hand up her shirt and pull the lace covering her sweet mound down so forcefully we both hear the rip of the fragile cloth. I kiss down her neck and suck on the soft skin I find there. Yeah, I might be marking her, showing everyone here who she belongs to. I kiss lower as I duck my head under the blanket and take her nipple in my mouth so I can suck on it while my hand trails down her body and quickly unfasten the clasp of her jeans. I don’t need to take them off, I just need to make enough room to run my hands down the front of them.

I slide my hand down her panties and touch the petal soft skin of her bare outer lips. Her little pussy is dewy for me and I easily run my finger up the center of her body before stopping at the top so I can play with the little bundle of nerves that will make her give me what I want.

I run my other hand up to cover her mouth, so she doesn’t make all those sexy sounds for everyone in the room to hear. I don’t mind everyone knowing she’s mine and that only I get to see her like this but I draw the line at them hearing the moans and gasps that make my dick harder than lead. I rub her little clit until she is straining against me as I go to the other side of her chest and use my teeth to pull the lace off this one.

She surprises me when I feel her tongue touch the back of my hand, swirling and kissing my palm. I wouldn’t have thought that would have been so goddamn erotic but it has my dick throbbing and pre-cum pouring out the tip. I speed up the rhythm I’m using on her and pin her hips down so she doesn’t jerk around and cause the blanket to fall off from us. Her body falls into a small tremor of an orgasm before I hear her gasp again. But this time the gasp isn’t one of sexy surprise and pleasure.

“Oh my God! I cannot believe…”

The sound of her voice has me going on alert and I push my head out from under the covers to meet the eyes of a laughing Nori and the pissed-off glare from Jinx’s brother.

“You can’t believe…you…I think I’m going to be sick.”

“Oh like you’ve never fooled around with Nori during these things. Don’t act like this is so unusual or try to make me feel guilty for getting some action with my man.”

She called me her man. My chest puffs out and a part of me wants to go all gorilla and knock over chairs, throw things, and shout from the highest beam of the place that she called me her man. Instead, I do the next best thing and take my hand out from under the cover and bring it to my mouth. Right in front of her brother.

He makes a gagging noise and starts to turn to leave. I’m not about to let him guilt Jinx either or ignore the fact his sister isn’t his to take care of anymore. She’s mine now. Nori who is laughing her ass off grabs him by the back of his jeans and turns him around. Her cheeks are pink but she doesn’t hesitate to meet my girl eye for eye. They spend a few minutes speaking to one another before Nori and Pyro walk off and Jinx turns to me.

“I cannot believe we got caught with you playing with my clit…by my fucking brother.”

“It could have been worse.”

“Oh yeah, how?”

“It could have been your father and mother that caught us. You should take me to our room so that doesn’t happen and teach me a lesson about public displays and such.” She gives me a grin and grabs the front of my shirt.

Chapter Eight
