Page 104 of Forever By Morning

“I can see that. There’s something about the orchard.”

It was a rare place that could relax me so completely except my suite at my parents’ penthouse. Mostly because it had always been my solace in the chaos of the city and my mother’s never-ending entertaining.

“Now back to you.”

“Do we have to?”

She laughed. “Not if you don’t want to. It’s only a game.”

“Go on.”

Her dimple popped again as she steered onto the road that said Crescent Cove was ten miles away. “You’re hardcore polite. The kind that comes with ice in your veins when necessary, I’d wager.”

I usually felt more like I was stuck behind glass than ice. Not that she was far off.

“But then there’s this guy. And you’re not quite sure what to do about him or the hot sex you’re probably having.”

My head whipped to face her.

“That was mostly a guess. But you do have some interesting beard burn on your neck, so it wasn’t too much of a stretch.”

My hand slapped my neck on the side where Beckett generally ended up kissing or nibbling.

“It’s cool. Sex is the good stuff. We should all have as much of it as possible if you ask me. And I’ve been in a drought. Another reason I moved here actually. I was tired of tripping over the same guys in Winchester Falls.”

The town sounded vaguely familiar. Quaint and adorable town names seemed to be the norm the more north you traveled from the city.

“Yes, well, the city isn’t much better.”

“Looks like we both traveled to find a little something new.” She rolled her window down and her thick waves fluttered in the warm air.

The scent of water mixed with her beachy spice scent, and I found myself relaxing in my seat. “Did you find a place to stay yet?”

“Laverne let me have a room for two weeks to get a jump on finding a rental. Most of what I’ve looked at are dingy apartments that look like they haven’t been updated since the mullet was in fashion.”

I wrinkled my nose.

“My sentiments exactly.”

I sat up straighter as the lake view shifted to a small, bustling town. The buildings were much different than what I’d seen of Turnbull where the orchard was located. They were tall and narrow, like a lot of older buildings in Upstate New York, but these were well cared for with fresh paint and crisp trim.

The street was tidy with cheerful painted pots bursting with pansies, geraniums, and daisies. And some other flowers I didn’t recognize. There were benches between the businesses for sitting and visiting as well as dog stations with fresh water bowls. Foot traffic was plentiful even in the middle of the afternoon.

“Oh, we should definitely walk around. Look at all the shops!” Bells craned her neck, taking it all in as well.

“If you’re good with that, I really need to get some clothes for this week.”

“Perfect. I love shopping. Especially with other people’s money.”

I couldn’t remember when I’d had a nicer day. It had been a long time since I’d spent time with someone who didn’t care who I was or what family I came from.

I was going to have a hard leaving after the party for more than one reason.



Friends in Cove Places