Page 130 of Forever By Morning

I held up my hands. “I get not wanting to talk about your past more than anyone.”

“We just rub each other wrong whenever we’re in the room together.”

“Maybe you need to rub each other the right way instead?”

She rolled her eyes. “Definitely not. That ship has sailed and I’m not getting back on it.”

I didn’t quite believe her, but as I’d been ready to rip into Beckett less than an hour ago, I understood how men could make us crazy.

“How about I email Kira and ask her to have one of the guys drop the barrels off and we go into Crescent Cove and try that hairdresser, To Dye For?”

“Yes!” Bells put the car back into drive.

“We’ll stop at Ralph’s Restaurant on the way. I have a good feeling about Ralph. And his carbonara.”

I laughed. “I’m always down for some carbonara. I think our teacher will be too.”


I held on for dear life as Bells turned around and headed to the right instead. I really needed to find my own vehicle soon.

Not that I’d need it since I’d be leaving soon. But the fact that permanence was my first thought and not leaving made my chest ache.

Beckett was being the smarter one, but I was so damn tired of being smart.

And safe.

And temporary.

“What do you think about me going darker with my hair?”

Bells stomped on the brake again.

“Would you stop that?”

“Sorry!” Her dark eyes sparkled. “Yes! With that fair skin of yours and those golden eyes…caramel lowlights, maybe?”

“I’ve never colored my hair.”

“Then we’re definitely doing it.” She rolled down her window and the early summer warm breeze whooshed through the car. “Me too.”

“Your hair is gorgeous.”

“So is yours. But a little darker tone on it, maybe? Just a little shake up.”

“A shake up. That’s exactly what I need.”

“What webothneed, babe.”

She turned on the radio and a newer Miley Cyrus song came on. She sang about being a wildcard. Maybe that’s what we both needed.

At least I did.

I was pretty sure Bells didn’t have any trouble in that department. But the time had come for me to channel some of thattake no prisonersattitude myself.

