Page 128 of Forever By Morning

“I think I broke it. And I’m trying to figure out how to fix it before Kira gets back from a keg run.”

Bells looked around. “Wow. This place is amazing.”

“It’ll be even more amazing when I can finish polishing the damn floors before we open this weekend.” Annette pulled out her phone. “When in doubt, check YouTube.”

“Always works for me.” Bells climbed on a stool beside me.

“Annette, Belinda Grayson. She’s the new entertainment coordinator at The Lodge.”

“Call me Bells.” She nudged me. “This one always using my full name.”


“It’s cool. I appreciate it. Maybe I should use Belinda more often for my professional stuff.”

“Or you can always go with She Devil. Fits you better.” Kain’s voice came from the doorway.

Bells’ chin hiked up. “What the hell are you doing here?” She slid off her stool and stalked over toward the kitchen.

“Nice to see you too,kaimoni.” He crossed his arms over his massive chest. “What is it about this orchard?”

“What the hell are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be in some high rise in Hawaii?”

“Keep your damn voice down.” He towered over her, but she didn’t flinch.

I slipped off my stool at their lowered voices. How the heck did Kain know Bells? Not that I should be surprised, since that man knew people all over the place.

And Bells was just the type of woman to make him sit up and take notice.

“What are you going to do about it?” She stabbed him in the chest with her nail.

“I know one way to shut you up.”

My eyebrows shot up as I paused a few steps away from them. Maybe they did know one another well.

“You know how to run, that’s what you do. No exceedingly excellent kiss can make up for that.”

His scarred eyebrow hiked. “Exceedingly excellent, huh?”

“Oh, that’s what you take away from this? Ugh. This is why we never should have kissed that night.”

“The fact that you’re still thinking about it this many years later says something doesn’t it,kaimoni?”

“Stop calling me that. Don’t think I didn’t look that up.”

His smile was sly, and I felt the force of it even back here.Jeez.

His lashes lowered as he glanced at her lips before licking his own.

Yeah, I should just turn around now.

“Don’t go darting off,Haleigha.” He glanced over her head and zeroed in on me.

I twisted my fingers together. “Sorry. Umm, how do you know each other?”

Bells turned around and elbowed Kain in the stomach. “This idiot is best friends with Kenz’s husband.”

“Your best friend?”