I imagine what it would be like being in a relationship with Roland, living with him and Carmen... I shake myself. That's just unrealistic. Roland comes from an entirely different world than Damien and me. He's a flipping billionaire, for goodness sake! I can imagine him as a millionaire, but a billionaire?

I shake myself again. It's time to come back to earth and deal with familiar things–making sure Damien has dinner and does his homework.

I get home and barely have time to hang up my coat when the front door bursts open, and Damien rushes in, his cheeks flushed from the cold. He pauses for a moment, panting, before noticing me.

"Hey, Maddie!" he says, grinning as he kicks off his sneakers.

"Hey, how was your day?" I lean against the wall, eager to hear about his visit to the coffee roastery Roland owns.

"Roland and Brett's factory is huge!" Damien exclaims, his blue eyes lighting up. "But it stinks when they roast the coffee." He wrinkles his nose. "It smells like burnt toast, but the blends taste good once they’ve been roasted. We got to taste some."

"You drink coffee now?" I ask, amused.

"Nah, but we got decaf lattes with lots of honey. They told us sugar wasn't good, but we might not like the stevia some coffee shops use."


"They told us about how the business started. Brett and Roland were in college, and both loved blond blends and started experimenting with making coffee. Then, at something called Oktoberfest, they got drunk and wrote a business plan."

I laugh. "Sounds like something you'd do in college."

"Yes, but Roland was a business major, and the next day he started raising funds. Brett does the marketing."

"So, Roland didn't have his own funds?"

"Nah, none."

I nod thoughtfully. I'd have thought he'd had access to resources.

"It was a great day, and coach said I did well at practice."

"Great. I'm happy to hear it." I ruffle his hair. "Now, let's make sure you get some dinner. I've got some chicken soup Roland's chef made. And you have to study while you eat as it's getting late." I start walking to the kitchen–our hallway stretches the whole of what? Five feet?

"Wow, I wanna taste that soup. I have math homework for tomorrow."

"Then let's get to it," I say. As I turn on the old stove I contemplate, once again, how different my world is from that of Roland's and wonder if we have a shot in hell at creating a relationship.

Chapter fourteen



The morning sunlight filters through the blinds, casting a golden glow in my dark bedroom. I groan and roll out of bed earlier than I usually would, but as I remembered my time with Maddie yesterday, I smile. I hop into the shower, then get dressed and head downstairs, carrying my leather satchel for work.

As I walk down the hallway, the rich aroma of coffee wafts toward me, and I smile. One of the perks of having your own coffee roastery is making your favorite blend.

"Morning, Gina." I greet our fiery-haired chef as I enter the kitchen. She's already busy at the stove, flipping something that smells heavenly.

"Good morning, Roland," she replies with a smile, her hands never stop their culinary dance. I grab the thermos cup of coffee she's prepared for me, taking a grateful sip and feeling it warm me from the inside out. It's just what I need to start this day right.

"Morning, thank you," I say, lifting the cup in a salute. "Look, I've got to work late tonight to catch up on work, and Maddie leaves at 5. Would you be able to stay and cover for me until I get home around six? Or we can call the babysitter we've used?" We've had better success with some evening and weekend babysitters than we have nannies lately.

"Of course I'll do it" Gina answers without missing a beat. "You know I'm always happy to help out. It is Friday today, though, so I can't leave later than six thirty because Fred has tickets for the theater. It's a pretty late show. Starts at seven and I can go right there."

"Thanks, Gina. You're a lifesaver." Relief washes over me, and I can't help but feel grateful for the people in my life who keep things running smoothly. The last few months looking for a nanny have been aggravating. I don't have time for it.

"Have a good day, Roland!" Gina calls after me, and I raise a hand in farewell, silently thanking her once more for her unwavering support.