“If that is truly your opinion, cousin, then I suggest that you perhaps find some other way to occupy your time today. I plan to take Katherine to the hot springs and don’t want her enjoyment being ruined by any more of this unpleasantness.”
An orange flush rises around his scales and Elis glares at me. “You would forbid me for her sake? I was the one who suggested this place and pointed out the pleasure of the hot springs that we might enjoy such a rare indulgence—but you wish to share it with her,” he spits angrily.
“I do,” I agree with an audible snap of my teeth.
He flinches. It is barely perceptible, but it is there, and I smile grimly at the reaction. For all his bravado he knows I’m the older and stronger between us. Elis is foolish in many ways but not so idiotic as to risk his own hide. He takes another gulp of coffee as he eyes me and nods stiffly.
“I will see you tomorrow then, Adeon,” he grumbles. “And I will ask that the gods keep your hide intact for another day while you’re alone with that witch.”
I roll my eyes as he storms off to do gods know what. I drain my cup and set it in the tray for used dishes before leaving the restaurant. I intend to go back to my room and flip on the TV for a bit, but somehow I find myself at my mate’s door instead. I stare at the door for a long moment before I hesitantly raise my hand and rap my knuckles on it. Not too hard. If she’s not awake, she’s likely to not hear it at all, and I won’t feel bad for rudely waking her so early on her vacation.
I drop my hand and am prepared to head back to my own room when her door swings open and I’m treated to a vision. Katherine, bundled up in a thick robe with her lovely brown hair tumbling over her shoulders, stares at me in sleepy surprise.
A slow smile brightens her face, and I feel like the luckiest male in the world to have it all to myself and focused on me. It warms my heart and makes my cocks twitch with interest.
“Adeon! What are you doing outside my door?”
She smells so warm and inviting that I want to pick her up and lick her all over, but I merely offer my best sheepish smile.
“I hope I didn’t disturb your rest, Katherine. I was thinking of some breakfast and thought I would swing by to see if you were interested in having some… with me,” I clarify awkwardly.
It is mostly the truth in that although I intended to have breakfast with her, it was more just a pure selfish desire to bask in her company and a need to be with my mate that brought me to her door.
“Breakfast?” Her smile widens and a faint pink brightens her cheeks in a way that I covet. “I would love to, Adeon. Just give me twenty minutes to get ready and I will meet you downstairs.”
“Of course. Is there something you would like for me to order for you while I wait?”
She thinks for a moment. “I am thinking the crepes this morning… with extra cream. Screw the calories. It’s the holidays, let’s go wild.”
I chuckle at her enthusiasm. “Crepes sound perfect. And a side of bacon and soft fried eggs, I assume.”
She moans softly and the sound goes directly to my pricks.
“I do hope you have something planned to work off these calories we plan to indulge in?”
An image immediately springs to mind of having her bent over the couch in my room writhing beneath my hands as I pump my cocks into her. I cough and rub the back of my neck.
“I was actually thinking of the hot springs that I mentioned the other day. Just you and me.”
Her eyebrows fly up, and her smile returns with full force. “That sounds wonderful. I will be sure to pack a suit and towel in a small bag then.”
I nod, making a note to swing by my room and do the same before heading back downstairs. “I’ll see you in twenty minutes.”
“Twenty minutes,” she agrees as she closes the door with a soft expression on her face.
“I can’t wait,” I whisper and turn away.
A private day with Katherine… The holidays have come early this year.
Chapter 9
Breakfast is wonderful, half because the calorie-loaded food is exactly what I needed and half because Adeon’s company lightens something within me. Breakfast is usually perfunctory for me. Because of my odd hours, it’s usually brought to my room. I honestly didn’t even realize that Adeon knows what I like unless he just simply knows me well enough that he’s able to guess. It feels wrongly one-sided. Have I been that observant in turn? Do I know Adeon as well as he apparently knows me.
Not too long ago, I would have said “of course.” As of late, we spend most of our waking hours together it seems. When he’s not poking around the house, he’s practically my shadow, especially when the coven house is busy. We’ve talked quite often during that time, but I never imagined that he would make the effort to pick so much up. It makes me feel a bit guilty but also ridiculously happy.
The fact that Elis is absent certainly doesn’t hurt any either.