“This is splendid, my love,” he rasps in choked voice, and I preen a little at that but screech in shock when I’m suddenly yanked roughly against his chest, my scream smothered by his kiss.

My laughter that follows is likewise muffled, but I grab his horn and return his kiss with all I’ve got. I love him so and am delighted to show him all over again how he’s the best gift that I’ve ever had waiting for me to unwrap on the holidays. Thankfully, Adeon is quite amorously appreciative, and before long I’m so filled with the holiday spirit that I could probably ho-ho-ho all night long.

I giggle at the thought lying sweaty in Adeon’s arms on the living room floor. He traces his claws lightly along my back in small adoring strokes as his tail curls possessively around the back of my legs. As much as I don’t want to move, I also don’t relish the aches and pains that come with lying on the floor all night, so I peck a quick kiss to my mate’s lips and stand before anything tries to stiffen. Although Adeon assures me that my body will work more optimally now as it did in my youth, I’m not entirely convinced since the crow’s feet certainly haven’t gone anywhere, but my mate says he loves my crow’s feet and sees no reason for the dragon fire to change them.

Adeon growls and watches me from beneath hooded eyes, but I grin down at him and give a playful little jiggle that I would’ve been embarrassed to do just a few days ago. His eyes light up with renewed hunger, and I nod to the stairs.

“What do you say we take our little celebration upstairs? We can try out the fire-retardant magic on the new sheets.”

His eyes narrow with interest, and he gets to his feet with a shocking speed that has me laughing breathlessly as he looms over me, his rattling purr filling the air between us. My skin prickles with excitement and I’m prepared to lead the way with a little bit of hip action in my step when he suddenly smiles and grabs ahold of my hand.

“Wait. You forgot your gift.”

I blink at him in shock. My gift? Doesn’t he realize that he’s everything I could ever possibly want? All the same, my heart melts when he turns toward me with a little box. My heart speeds as I look at it, and it’s almost difficult to breathe. It is tiny and dainty with a little silk bow fashioned around a velvet box. I’m nervous when I accept the box and pull the ribbon free. It floats forgotten to the ground as I open the box and a beautiful ruby set in an elegant band and framed by a crust of diamonds winks at me. As does the dragon who drops to one knee and smiles up at me with his heart in his eyes.

“Fran once suggested that you are fond of rubies, so what better way to say ‘be mine forever’ in the human way than a little fire.”

Though we’ve spoken of going through the human ceremonies despite already being mates, I can’t help the giddiness that fills me as I mutely nod my head and brush the tears from my eyes. I feel completely ridiculous and yet love every minute of it as he takes the ring from me and removes it from its small box to slip it on my finger.

“Forever,” he whispers.

And that sounds like a good place to start to me.

“Forever,” I agree, and with a smile on my face I lead him up the stairs into our bedroom.

This time, there is no frantic undressing. He leans against the wall, his eyes hot with his desire as he watches me leisurely strip. The earrings and the small string of sapphires I remove and hand to him more carefully, and he purrs as he deposits them into the jewelry dish for me to sort out tomorrow. I feel like a seductress as I tease him with every article of clothing I remove and toss his way. Each one makes his eyes shine brighter, and his smile grows as I work my way down to my bra and panties. I slip them off as well and toss them to him as well, and my belly tightens when he brings them to his nose and breathes them in like they are a warm cookie on a plate. His eyes are glowing as he looks up at me, and I reach behind my neck to unfasten the medallion and hand that to him as well so that it doesn’t become tangled in my hair. I’m a little impatient as I thrust it at him, and I back up toward the bed hoping that he moves quickly.

His fingers curl around it as he devours me with his eyes until a look of shock descends over his features and he opens his hand to stare down into it. His bark of stunned laughter fills the room, and I walk over to him, uncertain as to what all the fuss is about. I peer at him as he shakes his head, his giant shoulders shaking. When he tilts his face upward, I am surprised to see that he is shaking with laughter, his hands cupped around my medallion. My brow furrows with concern.


His eyes focus on me, and warmth fills his lovely face. “I never would have guessed that all this time it did what it was supposed to do,” he rumbles.

I blink and shake my head. “I don’t understand.”

“The jewel… this is it, Katherine!” he says with another loud burst of laughter. “It led me to you in every conceivable way, and I thought it was all me. It’s even been on you every day. I never imagined that this tiny little scrap of metal and bit of ruby would be it, not until you relinquished it to me as its keeper. Only then did I see it and—” His expression turns stunned as he look at me again. “Gods, Katherine, with the light of the jewel’s magic you are like a goddess among men.”

I stare at him for a long moment as comprehension finally dawns and my eyes drop to the medallion in his hand. “Oh my gods, Adeon. You did it!”

A gleeful laugh bursts out of me as I too see the magic uncoiling from the jewel to circle around us in a golden mist. It’s unbelievable.

He grabs me and gives me a hard, euphoric kiss that I feel straight down my toes. When his lips leave mine, it is so he can more comfortably hold me close against him.

“Happy Solstice and Merry Christmas, Adeon.”

“It is. It truly is, and all because the gods gave me such a gift as a mate like you,” he whispers into my hair. “Blessed Yule and whatever else man might honor and celebrate. A mate and my clans saved… I hardly dare wish for another thing more.”

“Not a single thing?” I whisper as I run my tongue along his collar bone.

Sidestepping a little, I reach into the bureau beside us to pull out the little bundle of mistletoe. The bell attached to it jingles softly, and his raspy gasp fills me with pleasure as I lift the sprig over my head and the dragon fire sparks within him all over again.

“Maybe a little more holiday cheer,” he growls.


“And longer,” he rasps, as he claims a kiss of all kisses beneath the mistletoe.

The little plant quivers in my hand, the tiny bell tinkling, warning all ill and all unkind away from this place. Here we celebrants… feast.