Vrishna laughed, his chuffing loud. “Why not? If she’s not willing to accept us yet, we have to accept that you alone will need to be the one to mark her as you have before. We have no other choice, Sabol. You think that the males in a triad never had their female alone and to themselves, or do you imagine that they only rut as a group? We are family. There is no jealousy in how we choose to share her. It doesn’t lessen my desire for her or my adoration. The latter I can solve easily enough because she soaks in every bit of affection that’s offered. Its only my seedsack that feels as if it might burst for need of her.”
His voice roughened, and he growled in earnest, showing a hint of the need that washed through him. Not even Thral had truly seen it since he had hunted his release as swiftly as possible. But Sabol would know the truth of his need and that he said none of these things lightly. “I want to spend myself deep within her cunt and hold her down beneath me, knotted on my cock until her body is fed every drop. But I would not be angry with you for rutting her since you are my triad brother.”
He gave his pelt a shake, weary of the conversation. He hoped he made his point sufficiently. “Go ahead and finish picking your berries while I return to Evie. If she’s still in her nest, I will enjoy curling up with her for a while yet while I still have some control over my cock,” he added with a grin. “It is nice to enjoy the touch of someone who doesn’t see this as undesirable.” He waved a hand at the side of his face.
Sabol gave him a startled look. “There is nothing undesirable about it. It is strength, and it shows that you will fight until you no longer can. I am pleased to share Evie with you and to being joined with you in a triad. Besides,” he added as he returned to scrutinizing the berry bush, “I do think Evie enjoys being dominated by you.” He gave Vrishna a wicked grin. “And I think she would very much enjoy being dominated by that.” He tipped his head, bringing Vrishna’s attention down to his extruded cock.
With a frustrated snarl, he turned away but chuffed when he heard Sabol’s laughter following him. The male was impossible, but he was quite fond of his odd sense of humor even if he used it too much to hide his pain. Just as he tried to make himself useful and redirect focus when he was upset or anxious. If he found humor in Vrishna’s state, then it hurt nothing as it didn’t truly bother Vrishna to begin with.
He wasn’t engorged or even fully erect. It was easy enough to ignore if a bit uncomfortable. It was just another sign demonstrating that Sabol’s scent mark was disappearing. Still, his fur stood on end with pleasure at the thought of Evie enjoying being pleasured byhiscock. Did she see his scars that way too? He wanted to wake her up and ask her if she liked his face at all. Maybe even his cock if it were still out even if it wasn’t entirely as impressive in its current state. Or did humans not speak of their cocks since they covered them?
The nuances of human culture were confusing to him, but he didn’t mind as long as it gave him Evie.
His tail flagging, he loped back into the house and right past Thral who was staring intently out the window at the Dark Fathers knew what. Vrishna didn’t bother to stop and see what was disturbing their alpha. Thral spent too much time in his head, and he’d long discovered that it did no good trying to pull him out of his thoughts. He delivered a concerned gaze to their lead in passing, noting that the male was also partially extruded as he went by. But that couldn’t be helped. With an eager growl, Vrishna hurried up the rise that Evie called stairs and went directly to the room in which they’d slept, her rich, warm scent enveloping him the moment he entered. It sent a pleasurable bolt to his shaft but nothing more, so he leaped up onto her nest and happily burrowed in beside her.
Her breath teased as her fur as she sighed and made a content little sound as she turned toward him. With a happy grunt, he wiggled in closer beside her, his arms and entire frame wrapping thoroughly around her. Even his tail slapped over her hip. He worried it was too much for someone so small, but she murmured happily and wiggled into him in turn, finding the little dips in his frame to fit herself into perfectly. His heart nearly stopped at that, and then it melted like a big warm pool that spread through his chest. She was so sweet. So adorable even with her over excitable recklessness. She nearly made his heart stop more than once, and yet his heart never felt fuller than it did since finding her and his triad.
“She still sleeps?”
Grunting, Vrishna opened one eye and glanced over the entrance. Thral peered at their nest, his mouth curving into a smile and a rare softness in his gaze.
“She does,” Vrishna affirmed as he tucked his arm more securely around her. “There is no harm in it for a while longer as today is a day for rest.”
“It is a day for rutting,” Thral corrected mildly, “since Sabol didn’t take care of the matter yesterday. I expect that you spoke to him of it.”
Vrishna inclined his head as much as he could with Evie’s small head tucked against the thick scruff of his neck. “He will see it done. She will be protected when we leave here.”
Thral tipped his head in acknowledgment. “I don’t think this triad—or this family with Evie—would work if it weren’t for you, Vrishna. I wanted you to know that. You consistently protect our rear and are quick to act for her safety. I know I can be inflexible at times and struggle to make my needs known. Yet somehow you know them, just as you always seem to know what Sabol and Evie need.” His ears tipped and flattened uncomfortably. “I just wanted to say that.”
“Thank you, Thral,” he murmured, that sloppy warmth in his chest expanding even further.
He felt weak and unconquerable all at once and deemed perfect because of that. Like he was valuable for himself and not just a brute male to set in front of a foe. It was a good feeling. He smiled and curled in tighter so that he could drag his muzzle through Evie’s head fur and drink in her scent. The only thing that would make it better was if his triad were all there snuggled in the nest with them, their mingling scents relaxing his mind.
Evie turned further into him at an angle and wiggled again so that her hip ground into his cocks. A groan rattled from him as it swelled and thickened. Unable to help himself and partially hating himself for doing so while she was asleep and without her permission, he pushed forward with his hips, bumping his cocks against the naked skin. Pumping his hips, he rubbed his swollen cocks back and forth, his grunts rising from his chest. Then a warm hand closed over them, trapping them against her hip, and he stuttered and pulled his head back just far enough to meet Evie’s eyes. She shifted and turned fully toward him so that his cocks rested against her bare belly.
Her eyes, still having the haze of slowly dissipating sleep to them, dropped his cocks as she smoothed a hand up and down the length of his primary cock. It flexed against her hand, and his breath burst from him as he met her gaze in a silent apology. She smiled in response, and her eyes filled with such warmth, compassion, and clear affection that he whispered thanks to the Great Mother for sending her to him. Evie’s eyebrows rose a little at that, but her smile didn’t wane in the slightest nor did she break rhythm. He grunted and strained as she tugged harder and quicker, working her small hands along them, his precum slicking their path. He could feel his knot swelling beneath her palm, could feel her squeeze it with one hand rhythmically as the other stroked him faster. He thrust helplessly against her grip, his seedsacks tightening against the base of his lower shaft. A desperate growl rumbled from the depth of his chest, and he looked into her eyes urgently.
“Evie!” he growled.
“Shhh,” she whispered. “It’s my turn to take care of you. Just let go. Come for me.”
His huge body shuddered at her words, his cock jumping in her hand. Her hands tightened around him, one on his shaft and the other remaining on his knot as both squeezed. That made him bellow as ropes and ropes of his seeds splashed over her belly and breast. As desperately as he wanted to tip her ass up and bury his length in her cunt as hard and deep as he could, he shook against her, reveling in the sight of her covered in his mark. She wouldn’t absorb his scent for any longer than it took her to wash, but the faint trace of their scents mingling in that moment sent bliss through him.
He shook as he continued to come, his body wrapped around her. And when he stopped shaking, she started stroking him again until he found release all over her a second time as he thrust against her belly and her hands. The entire time he pretended that it was her tight sheath he rutted into as he spent himself again and again until he finally collapsed beside her, his cocks retreating. Evie, covered in his seed, smiled at him then and tucked herself back into him as if she somehow understood how important the scent bonding was in the aftermath. Although he hadn’t mated her or truly claimed and marked her, this was still something and he clung to the gift she’d given him.
Burrowing his nose back into her head fur, he snuffled happily and allowed himself to doze in complete relaxation and contentment like he’d never felt before. Was this what it was like to have a mate? Or was this just the smallest taste of it? Somehow he felt it was the latter, and he couldn’t wait to experience more. And he was certain it would be soon—very soon—considering what she did for him and with him.
She would be theirs soon, and they would be hers, and then he would be able to shower her with adoration the way he dreamed of.
Sabol was up to something; Evie was certain of it. She just wasn’t sure if it aligned with her own plans or was at odds with them. She watched him curiously as he set a plate ofcookedmeat and some vegetables that she’d pointed out to them the day before in front of her along with a bowl filled high with berries before sauntering off. Her mouth watered at the food as her stomach made its complaints known. That they cooked the meat for her was a surprise since they left her to do that for herself. It verged on the edge of burned, and the vegetables were flavorless and hard raw, but she didn’t complain as she tore off some of the meat and popped it in her mouth. Her gaze slid over Sabol as she chewed. To her relief, he appeared to be in a good mood, his tail swishing. That made the thick muscles of his ass twitch in a way that was bit distracting.
She bit back a groan and crammed more meat into her mouth in an attempt to distract herself.Food!She should be focusing on food!
Great Mother, she had sex on the mind far too much. She hadn’t been able to think of anything else since Thral informed her that she was going to be marked. Her pussy had clenched at the thought, but it hadn’t been just Sabol’s cock she’d imagined pushing into her, but rather all three of them. She’d be so thoroughly marked that she’d have no reason not to carry out her plans. In fact, with all three of them scent marking her, she firmly believed that not even the native wildlife would be inclined to approach her. There would still be the issue with the predatory plants, but those she could maneuver around easily enough since she knew what to look for.
The guilt of leaving them behind despite their wishes was something that she would just have to deal with later.