Page 15 of Ragoru

She peered at his scars and blind eye but didn’t curl her lip in disgust. “Well, maybe another time when you feel ready. I’d like to, and it looks like we are going to be with each other for quite a while.”

The rest of their lives was a long time indeed, but he kept that to himself since she had not yet accepted a mating claim with the triad as a whole.

She blew out a breath. A look of exasperation fell over her face, and he too looked up to see both males staring at them incredulously. The female closed her leaves beneath their strange bark and smiled pleasantly between them both.

“So who won?”

To Vrishna’s amusement, Sabol barked an incredulous laugh. “You weren’t even watching!”

Her smile widened. “You let him win, didn’t you?”

Vrishna chuffed at Thral’s offended huff, but neither male denied it. Sabol’s ear flicked nonchalantly as he crouched down beside their female.

“I saw it wasn’t impressing you, and I didn’t feel the need to get my hide torn up more than it was,” he grumbled despite the smile lingering at the corners of his mouth. He tipped his head toward Thral. “I yielded to Thral here, and I see you’ve been busy getting to know Vrishna. And this is our Evie.”

Thral chose that moment to step forward and extruded. “I’m your triad’s lead. Do you accept us as your mates?” There was a note of challenge to his voice as she stared first as his cock and then up at his face in an expression of surprise.

“Ah, let’s not get carried away, here,” she choked.

Sabol grinned lazily as he dropped down close to her side, closer than Vrishna even dared, which sent a surprising jolt of jealousy through him. But then, they had mated. Or so he understood until Sabol opened his mouth.

“Evie doesn’t wish to mate yet,” he explained.

Thral bristled as he shot a disbelieving glare at the other male. “How is that we can scent you on her?”

Sabol snorted. “And I can scent you and Vrishna on each other, but I will not assume that you are mated.”

Thral appeared surprised by that observation and Vrishna chuffed in amusement at the entire situation, but speculation entered the female’s gaze as she looked between Vrishna and Thral curiously.

“Are you? How does that work with a triad when you mate with a female? Do homosexual males usually form a triad?” she asked as she opened her leaves and held her stick at ready, prepared to make more of her markings.

Thral’s gaze dropped to her stick and leaves in confusion before snapping back to Vrishna. Unable to hold back his own laughter, Vrishna chuffed in delight at the questions, but it was Sabol who answered her.

“We don’t have these words. There are triads who are exclusively male who don’t feel arousal at the scent of a female. They choose not to take a female. For others of us, there are triads where males will enjoy pleasure and closeness as part of our bonding. Others prefer not to and will simply wait for their turn with their mate. All triads are as unique as each male that is within them.”

Vrishna nodded. “Sabol explained it well. I care for Thral over the time we’ve been together but don’t desire you less. And Thral obviously desires to have you,” he added, teasing their lead.

Thral made a frustrated sound and grumbled. “If you didn’t accept Sabol as your mate, then you are just allowing him to rut you?”

Vrishna stiffened at the note of censure in the other male’s voice. He understood where it came from and the indignity that was occasionally foisted onto rejected males, but he wouldn’t allow that tone with a female who didn’t understand their customs and who came from a very different people herself. His soft growl drew Thral’s attention, and a look of chagrin crossed his face. Even Sabol was regarding him harshly, which was not a promising start. Vrishna had a feeling that Sabol let the male have it because of how desperate Thral was to take the lead but would be quick to reissue a more earnest challenge if he didn’t treat their female right. And Vrishna wouldn’t object. Thral’s humility in the light of being corrected, however, had Sabol relaxing once more, and he buried his muzzle against the female’s head fur until she pushed him away with a laugh.

There wasn’t a trace of anger on her face as she addressed Thral. “I allowed it for two reasons. One, because I considered the scent marking to be protection for both Sabol and me. And two, because I wanted to. I like Sabol too which helps. Being a mate is just a big decision and a forever sort of decision for you guys from what I understand. It wouldn’t be fair to give that to you when I don’t really know what I want and am only here because I have a job to do.”

A thoughtful look crossed Thral’s face, and Vrishna pushed up to his feet, content to just go with things. Evie’s worries were ones to which he could not object.

“I will be pleased to aid in marking you,” he offered. “It is a smart decision to do so even if Sabol hadn’t scented us. We escaped easily, and there is no way to know how many Ragoru are now out since we left. The scent markings of a triad will discourage anyone but a rogue.”

Thral’s body tensed as his thoughts turned in that direction. His expression softened when he glanced at their female, however, and he nodded. “There is sense in that. This would please me too.”

Evie turned a reddish hue and laughed quietly. “Wow. Okay. This will get awkward fast.”

Sabol nudged her and grinned lazily. “More to go around.”

She made a small choking sound and shoved him back. “I guess this is a good enough spot to make camp,” she observed, changing the subject. “Let’s focus on food and rest for now. I’m going to need a bit of time to get used to all of this,” she admitted.

Vrishna nodded as he stood, his attention diverting to the river as he quickly splashed into the cold water. He would be pleased to help acquire food for their female. She needed time to adjust to this life—he was happy to do everything that would make her more comfortable with them. And feeding her would especially be his pleasure.