Page 35 of Ragoru

“Patience,” Evie teased as she wiggled out of her pants and panties.

Human coverings still confused him, but her panties were something he very much enjoyed because her scent clung to them the best. His rumbling growl picked up even more as she carefully discarded them on a large rock before returning to him, her bared body already priming with her rich scent. She was already fully aroused, driving his own need to the point of agony as his engorged breeding cocked twitched, its purple head weeping for her.

The moment she came within grabbing distance, Vrishna hauled her into his arms, seating her on his aching breeding cock and thrusting up into her so that he slid in with one long, deep stroke. Her soft gasp filled his ears and was followed by a throaty moan that tightened his sack. He growled and repositioned himself against the rock so that he lay back, grateful that the rock he’d chosen was at least somewhat smoothed from the elements and tilted at an angle on that side. It allowed him to stretch out so he could thrust up into her more freely. His lower hands tightened on her hips, his claws pricking her lightly as he pulled her down against him, his upper hands busying themselves with caressing her teats and teasing the taut tips of her nipples. Every gentle squeeze and tug seemed to pulse through her, rewarding him with a tight squeeze of her sheath around his shaft.

Snarling softly, he worked her over him, reveling in the pull of her cunt on his cock as he stroked his tongue along her teats or along her throat. Every squeeze of her sex sent shafts of pleasure shooting through him, making him grunt against her as her sighs and moans filled his ears. Her body quivered against him, and her cunt fluttered and then pulsed in a tight, squeezing rhythm suddenly as she cried out her release. An excited snarl left him as he rutted her faster, driving her straight through that climax into another.

She shook over him, her head thrown back with her ecstasy, and the other two males drew closer, their eyes gleaming. They paused and exchanged a long look, their ears tipping at each other in silent communication. Sabol grunted and dropped back, yielding to Thral. Vrishna startled at how quickly the male moved, his hips bucking up slightly into their female and making her cry out in response. Thral glanced over at him, his eyes narrowing slightly as he dropped into a crouch behind her. Vrishna cocked his head curiously as Thral’s hands came across her back and pushed her forward so that her chest flattened against him, exposing her ass and Vrishna’s cock fully imbedded in her cunt to his view.

Vrishna’s cock twitched, releasing a stream of precum into her at the way the male studied their joined bodies. Thral’s hackles rose with his obvious rush of desire, his purple cocks twitching up toward his belly as he leaned in closer and dipped his head to drag his tongue along the seam where Vrishna’s cock was buried deep within Evie. Vrishna growled softly with pleasure, his hips jerking up into their female though Thral’s hand kept her hips weighted down against him, minimizing his ability to thrust. Instead, they were kept in place, helpless, as Thral lapped at them, his tongue curling around Vrishna’s cock every time to swipe along Evie’s clit. She whimpered, her cunt squeezing around him until his eyes rolled up into his head as he was reduced to twitching and grinding with every pass of the alpha’s tongue until he felt nearly driven mad by it.

It was almost a relief and yet disappointing when Thral shifted away, but his engorged cock slid along Vrishna’s seedsack and the base of his own cock as the male covered their mate. Vrishna’s snarl drowned out Evie’s gasp as Thral’s dripping cock, lubricated with his own precum, pushed into her slickened ass. Her muscles went rigid and she shook, but the sounds she made were of deep pleasure amid the soft whimpers from the bite of pain as the male slowly worked himself in. The fullness of their cocks pressing against each other with just the smallest division of her flesh separating him made Vrishna’s cock twitch with another deep splash of his own precum coating her insides. Evie whimpered in reaction and ground herself against him, and Thral as well.

Their alpha’s deep growl rumbled through them as he adjusted his stance, his feet planted at either side of Evie’s hips as he angled himself so that he was looking over her head at Vrishna. He smirked and cuffed Vrishna’s scruff in one hand, holding him in place as his tongue stroked along his mouth and into it, his tongue sliding against a fang as his hips began to pump into Evie. Vrishna moaned, his own tongue twining with that of the other male as he thrust deep, his cock plunging into her tight sheath. Their hips moved in an alternating rhythm, each thrust rubbing against each other in a way that made him snarl in the back of his throat as his cock began to swell with pleasure.

Thral broke the kiss, and he curled inward so he could lower his head and, when he tipped Evie’s head toward him, sliding his tongue into her mouth with the same worshiping caress. She moaned softly around the invasion, her hips jerking in a way that send pleasure shooting through them as they snarled at once. Vrishna didn’t hesitate to curl in at an awkward angle to join the kiss, his tongue slipping in to join Thral’s as they kissed their female together and then took turns kissing her and each other as they rocked her between the powerful thrusts of their cocks driving deeply into her.

Vrishna could feel his pleasure rising, the pinch of need flooding into his sack and into the base of his cock. He would knot soon, he was sure of it, and he panted even heavier, his thrusts driving deeper, preparing for that moment where he would push his knot fully into their mate. Above him Thral’s growls echoed his as his hips pumped more insistently. Beneath their growls and moans, it was the soft sound of displaced stone that drew Vrishna’s attention to Sabol and he cracked one eye open, watching, as the male moved in closer. Sabol sniffed around them, his cock dripping with precum as he slowly circled them and disappeared from view.

The touch of the male’s tongue against his already straining shaft and the swell of his forming knot made Vrishna’s hips snap forward. The male sucked on his forming knot and lapped at it as Vrishna panted and rutted into Evie, sending her toppling into one climax after another as Thral met him thrust for thrust, excited by the change of pace. When Sabol’s mouth moved on and Thral snarled, Vrishna chuffed knowingly. Evie’s body squeezed them mercilessly as she cried out but that sound was eclipsed by her low whimper when suddenly Sabol decided to quit playing games and pressed his breeding cock tightly against Vrishna’s and pressed forward, tightening that already straining hole around both of their girths.

Vrishna whimpered at the feeling. As pleasurable as it felt mating her with Thral, the press of Sabol’s cock with his sent fire through his blood. It didn’t get all the way in due to the odd angle which the male had to crouch between Evie’s legs, but his snarls of pleasure were genuine as his thighs shook against Vrishna’s thighs. Evie whimpered and cried as their three cocks moved in her, their precum spurting in thick ropes along her insides. Her muscles tightened and trembled with the tension running through, but her squeals of pleasure only grew as their rutting took on a new frenzy. There was no room for anyone to knot her now, but feeling Sabol’s knot lodged against his as they drove into her made Vrishna’s eyes rolled back as his own climax rose.

His cock jerked against Sabol’s, making the other male moan loudly and growl as his own release spilled into her, mingling with Vrishna’s seed. Their hips snapped forward, grinding with the mutual need to plug her, but he experienced another surge of release when Evie suddenly cried out and her cunt clasped so tightly that it bordered on pain as she rode out her pleasure, drawing his seed from him and Sabol as the male’s cock twitched against his within her channel, spewing its own flood of release. It was Thral’s deep snarl and final thrust that made Evie cry out that let him know that their lead had found his pinnacle and was tightly knotted within their mate’s ass.

Thral ground against her from above, pumping her full of seed. It wasn’t until Vrishna’s cock slipped free, however, that their alpha’s arms closed completely around their mate and lifted her against him, his cock still firmly knotted inside of her. She whimpered at the change of angles that forced his knot deeper, her fingers suddenly burrowing into the heavy fur on Thral’s hips and thighs, clinging to him as her pleasure swamped over her with the continuous sprays of the alpha’s seed hitting her insides. Her head dropped back against his chest, and she gasped softly when he walked them over to the nest and lowered them both into it. The knot wouldn’t retreat for a while yet. Vrishna didn’t envy how she would ache in the morning. They would have to be particularly diligent at soothing her with their saliva when she woke. Even then it would be a difficult journey and there would be none of them available to carry her.

Climbing into the nest at her other side, he nuzzled her lovingly. “I’m afraid you will feel this,” he rasped.

He chuffed with surprise, however, when she cracked an eye open and smiled tiredly at him. “Yeah, I figured. But so fucking worth it.”


Evie was still a little tender as she descended the pass leading directly to the village gate. A gate that was never used but still rigorously guarded from what she understood. At least she wasn’t walking funny. For a moment, when she first awoke the morning that she was to leave, she had been honestly worried about that. Vrishna hadn’t been joking about being tender when she woke up. Her body had quickly become accustomed to taking their large cocks, but that was the first time that she’d had all three males penetrate her at once like that, and the memory of it still made her want to cross her legs as another a part of her got excited at the idea of a repeat performance in the future. Even after they had taken turns soothing her sex with their tongues, she’d been left with a lingering twinge to remind her of their romp as she made her way down the mountain.

Unfortunately, having her pussy destroyed by a pair of Ragoru dicks and her ass knotted hadn’t kept her from missing her triad every step of the way. There wasn’t even the slightest sense of relief of having a break to recuperate. Instead, the scent of them on her made her grow wet at awkward times when her mind wandered back to the ways her males had loved her over the weeks in their travel, and before that in their house deep in the forest that waited for them.

But she couldn’t be distracted by that now. She couldn’t afford anything that might make her miss something important. What would come with her triad was for later, and she had to ruthlessly file it away while she was working. She had to keep focused on what she was there for.

Skating down some loose rocks, Evie trotted to the gate and rapped it hard with her fist. A panel above was swung open, and a man peered down at her in surprise.

Shielding her eyes from the sun with one hand, she squinted up and him and waved a hand. “Hello there. I’m Evelyn Willocks. I’m expected.”

His eyes widened in recognition. “Oh! Yes, of course. One moment while I get this gate open. It’s temperamental,” he called as he disappeared from sight. “Hasn’t been opened in quite some years.”

The gate screeched and groaned as the mechanisms operating it protested, but the gate finally opened just enough that Evie shimmied through it without waiting for it to open any further. The guard grinned down at her, his smile friendly in his plain, broad face. Brushing a lock of brown hair from his eyes, he gestured for her to proceed further into the village as he set the command for the gate to close.

“Sorry about all of that. As you can imagine, we don’t exactly get company coming that way and there were bets whether you’d arrive at all with how dangerous the northern heights are.”

“Ah. Yes, well, it was quite an experience,” she chuckled as she took her first look at the mining village.

It was depressing. Everywhere she looked was gray machinery or equally gray rock, with the exception of the wooden buildings set up everywhere. Even then, there was so much dust covering them that they looked just as drab as the rest of their surroundings. She couldn’t even imagine how people lived there.

She continued studying her surroundings as the guard led her deeper into the village until a tall woman noted their presence and strode toward them with a large man at her side. There was no doubt in Evie’s mind who the man was. Outside of the uniformed guards, the laborers and staff in the mines were, like in most occupational fields since the decline of male populations began, mostly women. This man was certainly no guard, or even a man who perhaps somehow managed to get himself stationed up there to work, as that did occasionally happen. Every line of this man screamed predator, from the sheer bulk of his body from years of rigorous training to the way he slinked gracefully at the side of the head of operations.

She studied him speculatively, a wary shiver running up her spine. Dressed from head to toe in black that complimented the dark curls that fell nearly to his shoulders and his deeply tanned complexion from hours in the sun, she would have considered him handsome if not for the faint sneer on his full lips and the hardness of his dark eyes. There were only a select few men that she’d personally met who had that bearing, so there was little doubt in her mind what service he provided for the mining village.

A damned huntsman.