Gabe and Charlotte join me a few minutes later. “I’m sorry. The group took a bathroom break, and that’s when Bettina slipped away,” Charlotte starts.
“It’s okay. Azrael found his scythe and took Bettina somewhere.”
“And you have a cat?” Charlotte points out.
“Yep, this is my new cat, B.B. So, how do we get home? Our pilot is Goddess knows where.”
After waiting for a few minutes on Azrael, we debate on what to do. No car rental company is open at this hour, so our only option is to find a hotel for the night. Gabe is like Damion—he can teleport, but he can’t bring anyone along for the ride due to his human heritage.
I decide to take one for the team. Chris answers his phone on the first ring with an inflectionless, “Yes.”
“I need to ask a favor. We’re stuck in Natchez, Mississippi, along the river cruise boat dock. Could you come get me and Charlotte and take us back to Memphis Magic?”
“You’re asking a Dominions Angel to run a shuttle service?” he asks incredulously.
Good Goddess, these supernaturals and their inflated egos. “No, I’m asking a friend if he’ll do me a favor.” Again, I’m using the term “friend” loosely here.
“Why are you stuck in Natchez?” he demands.
“Will you come get us or not?” I huff.
“Tell me why you’re in Natchez, and then I’ll consider coming to get you.”
Grrr. “A witch placed a breakup hex on me and Damion. We came to get the spell jar to reverse the hex. Things didn’t go quite to plan. Oh, and I now have a Persian cat. I hope you’re not allergic.”
He hangs up. I’m hoping that’s Chris speak for, “Sure thing, Aubry. On my way.” I look over to Gabe and Charlotte’s questioning faces. “I think that was a yes?”
Miracle of miracles, a moment later Chris strides over. “Follow me.” That’s Chris, never one to mince words.
A hysterical laugh escapes my lips because Chris is dressed borderline identical to Azrael. Minus the leather gloves. He cuts me a hard look and I hold up my hands. “Sorry, it’s either laugh or cry.” I’m regretting not using the cloaking spell from Mama’s book of shadows on this botched mission, but no use crying over spilled thieves vinegar.
Climbing a fairly steep hill, we head for the city park. Chris takes Charlotte’s and my hands, and now we’re standing at the shop’s back door. “Thank you,” I tell him as I unlock the door and we step inside. B.B. hops down from my arms, curious to explore.
Azrael joins us, sans Bettina, and I jump like a scared cat. “Angel that I shall not refer to as tasty morsel,” he addresses Chris. And I’m the one with the death wish? “Hey, we’re twinning it,” Azrael says, pointing to his outfit.
“I’m waiting for an explanation,” Chris growls, making it known he’s not a fan of nonsense. He’d never make it in the Mystery Gang.
“Aubry, do you need me to stick around?” Gabe asks, sizing up Chris.
“And do what, Nephilim?” Chris challenges, taking a step forward.
“Thank you, counselor, but you’re off the clock,” I tell Gabe, defusing the situation. “Charlotte, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
She nods and takes Gabe’s hand, pulling him along. “Aubry, you don’t have to tell him anything,” Gabe advises me. “He gives you any trouble, call me.”
B.B. makes her way over to Elvis, who’s sitting on the couch, pretending not to notice her.
“Explain,” Chris barks, and both cats scurry out of the room.
My knee-jerk response is to reply, “No, and you can’t make me.” But I’m pretty sure he could in fact make me. So instead, I go with, “I’ve already told you. A witch hexed me and Damion, the spell jar broke, and now I’m back to square one.”
“Oh, and plot twist—the witch is stuck in limbo,” Azrael dramatically adds.
“What do you mean ‘limbo?’” I ask Azrael.
“Limbo. The in-between realm. Purgatory if you’re of a certain religious persuasion. I wanted to teach her a lesson, but she’s a tricky witch. She got the jump on me.” He looks nervously at Chris. “You’re not going to tell Metratron, are you? I’ll have this little hiccup straightened out in no time.”
Chris shakes his head and marches to the door. Whether that was shaking his head as in, “No, I won’t tell,” or shaking his head at our idiocy, I’m not sure.