Page 57 of Obsession

“You what?” I shout, and Elvis comes in to see what the hubbub is all about. He spots Chris and turns around, tucking tail out of the room. Smart cat.

“Don’t make me clear yours,” he threatens.

I shield my mind, envisioning an impenetrable fortress. “Don’t you dare.”

“Or what?” he taunts, leaning toward me, invading my personal space.

Or what? Shit, I’ve got nothing.

Luckily for me, his phone chimes and he checks the message. “I have to go. Tell Vivian thank you for dinner.”

“Sure, assuming I remember we had dinner.” Why do I keep trying this angel? Who the hell knows?

He levels an intense gaze my way and surprises me by grabbing my chin with his huge bear paw of a hand. I hold my breath, not sure what’s about to happen, my pulse fluttering wildly. “Demons cause nothing but sorrow,” he says gruffly, those whiskey-colored eyes boring into me like he’s speaking directly to my soul. Good Goddess, it’s unnerving. “So now that you experienced it firsthand, don’t ever forget it.” With that, he jerks his hand away and swaggers out.

“Thanks for the words of encouragement, and goodbye to you too.” Unfortunately it was a lesson I had to learn the hard way, I think as tears well up in my eyes. “Nope. Not going to shed another tear over a certain Cambion jackass.”

Elvis saunters back into the kitchen. “Don’t act all innocent. I know you were eavesdropping from the living room. You’re just as big a busybody as your human,” I tell him as I put up the leftovers in the fridge.

He hisses, not even trying to deny it.

Chapter 24

Inside my closet, the white roses have wilted, but the incantation bowl is still giving off that weird energy. Grabbing my phone, I text Gabe.

Me: Can you please ask Damion to retrieve the incantation bowl? My spell didn’t work.

Gabe: Sure.

It disappears a few seconds later, and I gather the shriveled-up roses and other spell ingredients and toss them in the outside trash can.

Gabe: Don’t shoot the messenger, but Damion says your involvement with the Phenex project is no longer needed.

Me: Of course he did.

Gabe: I’m sorry.

Me: You don’t have to apologize for him. I’m fine.

“I am fine,” I tell Elvis when I return inside. He gives me a look letting me know he calls bullshit.

Azrael drops by the next evening while I’m lying on the couch in my yoga clothes. I’m not about to practice yoga; no, I’m binge watching the last season of House Guest because I’m already in misery, and it turns out the old adage “misery loves company” is true.

The showmance couple Brant and Gia make a terrible mistake during a puzzle challenge and I will myself not to cry. Azrael grabs the remote and turns off the television. “Hey, I was watching that,” I snap.

“This whole woe-is-me routine is so played out. Look, Cambions are a dime a dozen.”

“Really?” I snort.

“Okay, so not really. They’re extremely rare, actually. And your ex Cambion?” He whistles. “One unbelievably sexy half demon, let me tell you.”

“That’s supposed to make me feel better?”

“Let’s go out to dinner. When’s the last time you’ve eaten something?” I look down at myself. My clothes are hanging a bit looser.

“Fine, let’s go.”

“No, ma’am. You look like you’re knocking on death’s door.”