Page 46 of Obsession

“You know that I am more than happy to help you find out.”

“Nope.” Aunt Callie has tried to get me to do past life regression therapy with her, but I always decline. There’s more than enough drama to go around in this life, thank you very much. I suddenly get a terrible sense of foreboding. “That wasn’t an invitation for more drama!”

“What?” my aunt asks, confused.

“Sorry, talking to the Universe. Any word from Craig?” I ask.

“No. I told you not to worry about it,” she says, grabbing her yoga mat from behind the counter and heading to class.

“Seems I need to be worried for the both of us, as she’s clearly in denial about the whole situation.”

Elvis gives a look letting me know he likewise isn’t worried; no surprise there.

Chapter 20

Azrael and I arrive at house number one. It’s a beautiful Tudor located in an exclusive downtown neighborhood perched high on the bluff overlooking the Mississippi River. The realtor hands me the summary sheet for the listing, and I have to pick my jaw off the recently polished hardwood floor. Death must be a lucrative business if he can afford a place this pricey.

Another reason I have to pick my jaw off the floor is the realtor is none other than Kate Jones, the director and money behind New Life Spiritual Center, and Maddie’s former boss.

“I’m sorry, but shouldn’t you be in prison?” I demand.

“Who are you?” she asks nervously, her friendly smile gone.

“I’m Aubry. We met back at New Life Spiritual Center,” I inform Kate. “You gave the tour. And then we met at a house showing. I was Maddie’s best friend.”

At that, her eyes go big with recognition. “Are you wearing a wire?” She looks at me as if she’s trying to spot a wire strapped to me beneath my sundress.

“Darlin’, calm down. No one’s wearing a wire.” Azrael turns to me and whispers, “You’re not wearing a wire, are you?”

“No, I’m not wearing a wire.” Although I doubt in the history of undercover stings someone wearing a wire would actually admit to wearing a wire.

“Yes, unfortunately the Center ran into some red tape. My lawyers are sorting it out.” And I’m going to have my demonic lawyer sort this out. She’s not getting out of the whole “I financed a death cult” scot-free, even if she didn’t know what was going on behind the scenes.

She leads us to the backyard and I announce, “Yep, this is the house.” It has an awesome pool with a waterfall, an outdoor kitchen, and an entertaining area overlooking the Mighty Mississippi.

“You’re supposed to be the bad cop, remember?” he hisses at me.

“But we could move the Mystery Gang headquarters to your pool house,” I explain.

He gives me a confused look. “Get your act together.”

We drive to the other house that does not have a pool. “Mr. Azrael, so what do you think?” Kate asks.

“I’m going to need to sleep on it.”

“Don’t sleep on it too long. The market is hot right now and I’d hate for you to miss out. I could see a sophisticated gentleman such as yourself at home in either of these beautiful properties.” And here I thought demons who wheel and deal in soul contracts are good.

“I’m sorry, but my client is coming in a little bit and I don’t have time to do a grand reveal with you at the Peabody. Just tell me which house you choose,” I tell Azrael, unlocking the shop door and stepping inside. “And if there’s any way you can get another realtor to close the deal, that’d be great.” Fine, call me petty.

“Perhaps Vivian can help.” Azrael turns to Grandma, who’s just joined us. “I have big news and I need someone to accompany me to the Peabody lobby bar for a dramatic reveal,” he announces.

“Does this reveal involve a love triangle? If so, then I’m in,” Grandma says excitedly.

“Hate to burst your bubble, but he needs an audience so he can announce which house he’s going to buy.”

“Sorry Azrael, Dream Home isn’t my kind of reality television.”

“She’s more a relationship voyeur than a real estate voyeur,” I clarify.