“I’m looking for a missing angel,” he says, his eyes never leaving mine. Good Goddess, it’s unnerving.
“Who?” He usually flat out ignores my questions, and I’m not really sure why I keep asking them, other than I am a stubborn Aquarius.
“His name is Augustus. He was the Angel of Occult Knowledge before Eiael.” Chris opens a manilla folder that now appears in his hands and pulls out a large photo of a man who looks to be in his late thirties. Handsome face, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a golden complexion. “Ever seen him?”
He takes the photo back from my shaky hand. Spinning on his heel, he marches toward the door. “That’s it?” I call after him, confused, my body still humming with adrenaline.
“Yep. Oh, and tell Vivian thanks for the cookies.”
“I’m not your messenger angel!” I call after him, but he’s already gone.
Closing up shop, I wait until all the members of the circle arrive to make my case. “Tonight’s full moon would be a good time to contact Delilah. Grandma, before you say no, why don’t we let the circle decide.” I fill everyone in on my meeting with Lucy and Bettina, and my desire to contact Delilah’s spirit.
“You’ve gotta get on a regular trim schedule so I can keep up with the soap opera that is your life,” Julia tells me.
“I get my hair cut on a regular schedule,” Grandma adds. “That’s how I know Julia found a new sub. Care to take a guess who?” she says with a Cheshire Cat grin and a dramatic pause. “Sonia!”
“I’m sorry? Sonia? As in Dr. Sonia Thompson? As in Damion’s seduction-demon ex-girlfriend, who has the power to seduce men, that Sonia?” I’m not sure why anything surprises me at this point.
“We really hit it off at the housewarming party,” Julia explains with a smug smile.
“Unless anyone else has a dramatic reveal, let’s get back on topic,” I say.
“Charlotte, here’s your chance. We’re waiting to hear all about the angel dust. Myth or bedroom magic?” Grandma asks, and Charlotte’s cheeks turn pink.
“The dramatic reveal portion of the evening has come to a close,” I announce, saving my friend. “Ladies, I want to contact Delilah. Let’s put it to a vote.”
“I vote no,” Grandma says.
“A resounding yes for me, darling,” Florence says.
“Yes for me, dear. It’s been rather dull around here ever since you and your beau were unbound,” Amelia adds.
“I vote yes,” Charlotte says.
“Yep,” Julia votes.
“Aunt Callie, your vote is unnecessary as I’ve already got the numbers,” I announce.
“Alright, let’s do it,” Grandma says, resigned.
“That’s the spirit to contact a spirit,” I say in a peppy tone.
We move to the séance room in the back and Grandma prepares our space. She anoints us all with Frankincense, and then herself to ground our energy. We take a seat at the round table. It seats six, so we pull up an extra chair for Charlotte, as there are now seven in our circle.
Grandma lights three white candles and says a protection invocation. We focus our energy on calling forth Delilah’s spirit, chanting her name over and over. Grandma looks relaxed, even though I’m sure it’s hard mental work bridging the spirit world.
Minutes tick by with nothing happening, but then I feel the energy of the room shift ever so slightly. Grandma has a faraway look in her eyes and says, “Things aren’t what they seem. I can’t talk; it’s not safe. Don’t contact me again!” She rubs her temples, a confused look on her face. “What did I say?”
Informing Grandma what she just channeled, we then chant a closing invocation and blow out the candles.
So much for clarity. That was about as clear as Mississippi mud.
The next day, I’m enjoying a lovely lunch with Death. “How’s the house hunting going?” I ask Azrael as we finish our Thai takeout.
“A house I’ve had my eye on is finally back on the market. I’m going to look at it and another one tomorrow afternoon. Hey, come with me! Afterward, we’ll go to the Peabody and I’ll announce which house I chose in dramatic fashion while we have a cocktail.”