We return to the shop and say our goodbyes. Our earlier conversation has me trying to imagine what Damion’s wings look like. I’m getting all tingly just thinking about it. But is it worth the risk? Nah, I like my soul intact.
Grabbing my tarot cards, I head to my room, give myself a quick smudge, and then pull out my silk cloth Aunt Callie bought for me in India years ago. Dealing myself a three-card linear spread, I ask for guidance from the Universe. I flip over the High Priestess reversed, the Moon, and the Hanged Man reversed.
The High Priestess reversed. Yet again. More secrets. The High Priestess with the Moon could mean nightmares or danger that can’t be seen. Illusions and darkness, together they create a fog that prevents clarity. Add the Hanged Man to this spread? Expect a delay in the outcome.
“What in the world?” I ask, jarred from my thoughts by shouting. Hustling over to the window, I peek outside to see my aunt arguing with a tank of a man. I can’t see his face, but I don’t need to.
Grabbing my keys, I sprint downstairs and out the back door. Around the corner of the building, I find Aunt Callie caged against the wall by her ex-boyfriend, Craig. His massive hand is wrapped around her throat. “Hey!” I shout. He turns and I don’t hesitate, spraying him in the face with the pepper spray Charlotte’s mama gave me after the Brad abduction.
He screams bloody murder, frantically rubbing his eyes, which means he’s let go of my aunt’s neck. “Come on,” I cry, but she stays rooted in place, like a deer in the headlights. Yanking her by the arm, I practically drag her along with me to the back door, slamming it and locking it behind us. “Quick, call the police.” I start to the front of the shop.
“No!” she cries in a raspy voice, her hands over her throat, trying to hide the marks that are going to turn into a nasty bruise.
“What do you mean no? He could have killed you if I hadn’t been here!”
“Craig’s all bark and no bite.”
“Really? Because strangulation is more bite than bark,” I point out, crossing my arms.
“I don’t want the police involved,” she says, refusing to meet my eyes.
“Why?” I demand, waiting for her to look at me.
“For a lot of reasons. One being that I’ll never hear the end of it from Mama.” She sighs, dropping her hands.
“So you’re going to choose your pride over your safety?”
“I’m choosing to handle this my way.” She crosses her arms stubbornly. In case there was any question we were related. “Magically.”
“Maybe a keep away spell. Will you help me?”
“This is a terrible idea,” I mutter.
“I guess I’ll figure it out myself,” she says quietly, her lip quivering.
“Do you have a personal item of Craig's?” I fold like a cheap suit.
“I have one of his old shirts. Let me run upstairs and grab it.”
Hustling to the front of the shop, I gather the tools we’ll need. Seems my mama’s book of shadows is coming in handy after all.
“This is not me going down the dark path, Universe. Not strangling an enemy. Nope, Craig was the one doing the strangling. Just a teensy-tiny keep away spell.” I’m not sure if it’s the Universe or myself I’m trying to convince.
Aunt Callie returns and I cut up Craig’s shirt, dressing the voodoo doll, and then I pin a printed picture of his mug shot to the face—turning the doll into Craig, for magical intents and purposes. After charging the doll, we cast a circle, and I chant as I bind the doll’s legs together with black string.
Craig Denton, your legs won’t
bring you near.
Callie Brooks is whom you fear.
Stay away from Callie Brooks is your consuming thought.
And so it be with the tying of this knot.
Chapter 16