“Of course,” Savage agreed, “it’s so good to see you.”
“Um, you too,” she said. “It’s been a long time. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to come sooner to visit.”
“No, I get it,” he said. “Your father has his rules, but why now? I mean, you’re breaking his rules now, right?”
“Yes, but he really can’t get mad at me anymore,” she admitted. She hated having to tell him this part. It wasn’t how anyone should find out. “My father passed away over a year ago,” she said.
“I see,” Savage breathed, “I’m so sorry, Rose. What from?” he asked.
“Heart attack,” she whispered. “It was awful. I had just picked up Sadie from daycare and went home to make Dad dinner.”
“Who’s Sadie?” Savage asked.
Rose smiled, “She’s my two-year-old daughter.”
“Congratulations,” Savage said. “Wow, you’re a mom.”
“I am,” Rose said, “and that’s why I need your help. My ex wants custody of her and he’s a bad man. If he gets his hands on Sadie, he’ll destroy her spirit, and I can’t let that happen. He beat me and I know that if given the chance, he’ll do the same to her.”
“What are his chances of getting custody of her?” Bowie asked.
“Good,” Rose whispered, “he’s very wealthy and can pay lawyers and keep me in court for ages. I don’t have that kind of money. If Sadie has to live with him, I don’t know what I’ll do.”
“All right,” Savage said, “of course, I’ll help you. What’s this guy do for a living?” he asked.
“That’s just it,” Rose said. “He’s a car salesman and a bad one at that. While we were together, he didn’t sell many cars. He’d tell me business was slow, but he always had cash on him—a lot of it. He drives high-end cars and lives in a mini mansion. I’m betting that he has a side hustle and that it’s not legal.”
“I’ll need the name of the car lot he works for,” Savage said. “I have a few ideas, but this will take a bit of time. Do you and Sadie have someplace safe to go?” Savage asked.
“No, not really,” she said. “Every time I try to find a new place, he shows up. It’s almost like my ex is staying one step ahead of me all the time.”
“We have a guy who can help,” Bowie said. “But you’ll have to do as he says. He’s kind of a control freak, but he’s good at keeping people safe. Will you let him help you?” What choice did she have? If she kept trying to run from her ex on her own, he’d eventually catch up to them and take Sadie from her. Rose couldn’t let that happen, not after they had come this far.
“I’ll accept his help,” she breathed.
“Thank you,” Savage said. “How about you go pick up your daughter and come back to our place for dinner? We can call Thorne and get everything set up. He’ll meet you at our house and take you and Sadie someplace safe while Bowie and I investigate your ex.”
“I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you for this,” Rose admitted. “I’m so grateful that you will help me.”
“I don’t need payment, Rose. You and Sadie staying safe is payment enough. Thorne is a good guy and I’d trust him with my life. You’ll be in good hands,” Savage said.
“Word of warning,” Bowie said, “he’s a bit rough around the edges. He’s all bark and no bite though. Just keep that in mind when you meet him tonight.”
“Will do,” she agreed. “I’ll pick up Sadie from my friend’s place and meet you back here in about an hour. Does that work?” Rose asked.
“Yep, and then we can head back to our house. I’ll let Dallas know that we’ll have two more for dinner,” Savage said.
“I don’t want to put you or your wife out,” she said.
“Not at all,” Bowie soothed. “We have a boatload of kids. Two more mouths to feed won’t be a problem.” She liked hearing that Savage had a family and kids. She had always thought about her cousin as a loner, but she liked seeing him this way—settled down and happy.
“I’m glad that you found happiness,” Rose said to Savage. “I’m sorry that we weren’t in each other’s lives more.”
“Well, we couldn’t make our fathers get along. And although I tried, I couldn’t make your father like me. We’ll make up for lost time now, Rose,” Savage assured. “You’ll find your happiness too, honey, I promise.” Rose nodded and turned to leave.
“I’ll hold you to that promise, Savage,” she whispered to herself on her way out of the bar. She just hoped that it was a promise that he’d be able to keep.