Four Months Earlier
Jules watched as the two guards, who were holding her and her nephew Michael, seemed to be having a heated discussion with some guy. She couldn’t quite make out what they were saying but judging by the way the three men were waving their arms around, she somehow knew her, and her nephew’s future depended on the big guy winning the “discussion”. He was quite handsome and under different circumstances, she might be interested in him but now wasn’t the time to be thinking about men or her non-existent love life.
She and Michael had been held by the Gallo family for a few days now—three to be exact if she hadn’t lost count and the poor little guy was ready to be reunited with his dad and sister. She was ready to be free from the two goons who were watching them morning, noon, and night. They had made a few threats but other than feeding them crappy food, they weren’t treated too badly. Well, if she didn’t count the fact that they were being held against their will.
Isabella Gallo was the head of the mafia crime family that ran most of Chicago. Jules knew enough about Isabella’s case to know that she and Michael were just collateral damage in the game of chess she was playing with Jules’s brother, Gabe, Chicago’s current Commissioner. He was doing everything in his power to ensure that Isabella spent the rest of her life behind bars as the head of the Gallo family. When Gabe was handed evidence proving that Isabella was directly involved with the human trafficking portion of the organization, he went after her with a vengeance. In retaliation, Jules and Michael were kidnapped by the Gallos and held until Isabella’s demands were fulfilled. Jules knew for a fact that her brother would move heaven and earth to get to her and Michael, but he also knew that as Chicago’s Commissioner, he’d have certain rules he’d have to follow.
The three guys looked about done with their conversation and the big handsome one pushed his way into the room where she and Michael had been held. “Up and at ‘em, Princess,” he barked. “You and the kid are coming with me, now,” he said. Jules hesitated and he must have noticed her indecision. “You don’t have a say in the matter, Sweetheart,” he said, laughing at her. “Either you get your sweet ass up and follow me out or I carry you over my shoulder.” He shrugged, “Either way works for me,” he said looking her body over.
There was no way Jules would let the mountain of a man get his hands on her body. She wanted to make whatever was about to happen as easy on her nephew as possible. He had already been through enough and watching some giant man force her anywhere might not be the best idea.
“Fine,” she spat. “Where are you taking us?” she boldly asked.
He laughed at her again, “Out of here,” he said. “I thought we already covered all of this.” He was right, they had, and Jules also had to agree with him that she had no other options. Truthfully, she’d go with just about anyone to get the hell out of the cramped little room they had her and Michael in. She reached for Michael’s hand, and he shyly took it. He seemed less eager to go with the big guy.
“You have a name?” she asked. Jules didn’t care what it was but she thought that knowing the man’s name might make Michael more comfortable.
“It’s Bruno Gallo but everyone calls me Lucky,” he said, giving her an exaggerated wink.
“Hey, Gallo is Mila’s last name too,” Michael piped up about his dad’s new girlfriend. Lucky looked back to the two guards standing out in the hallway and back to them, covering his mouth with his finger, as if telling them both to keep that bit of information to themselves.
“How about we talk about all of that once we get out of here?” he whispered. Jules wasn’t sure why Lucky suddenly seemed anxious to get a move on, but she was beginning to believe her initial hope at seeing him wasn’t so far-fetched. Maybe he was there to help them but that could just be her silly wistfulness, hoping that someone would save her and Michael.
Lucky helped Michael up into his pick-up and then gave her a boost into the passenger seat. “Thanks,” she shyly said.
“No problem,” he said. Jules couldn’t seem to take her eyes off Lucky as he rounded his truck and got into the driver’s seat.
He barely shut his door before she got her question out. “So, who sent you?” she asked.
Lucky didn’t hide his surprise at her question. “Mila’s brother called in a favor,” he admitted.
“Well, whatever happened and whoever sent you doesn’t matter. I appreciate you helping Michael and me,” Jules said.
“Don’t thank me just yet, honey. We have to get the hell out of here and find a safe place to lay low. Your brother has his work cut out for himself and I’m supposed to keep you and the kid under wraps until Isabella’s trial is over. He said to tell you that he’s sorry but it’s the only way he can keep you both safe. Looks like you’re stuck with me for the time being,” Lucky said.
He started his truck and pulled away from the seemingly innocent-looking little house that was their prison and Jules didn’t chance a look back. Trusting her brother to keep her safe was one thing but trusting a stranger, no matter how sexy he was, was quite another
* * *
Jules Leone dashed from the street corner to the crosswalk determined to make it across before the offensive red hand appeared on the pedestrian screen. She was once again running late and hated the impression she was making on her new boss. Now more than ever, she needed to prove that she was good at what she did for a living. Being the personal assistant to Chicago’s Police Commissioner was not only a big responsibility but an honor and she had to admit—the perks were pretty nice too. She was lucky that her new boss decided to keep her around after he took the position from her brother and Jules was determined to show him that he had made the right call.
As the former Comish’s sister, people liked to assume she got the job working for her older brother, Gabe, due to some form of nepotism. The truth of the matter was she was damn good at what she did, and she hated the fact that people were still questioning her skills. Once she proved she could handle the job under her new boss, she was sure people would leave her alone. At least, that was what she hoped.
She got to the other side of the street just in time for the cars to start impatiently honking at her and she turned around to flip the last driver off, even giving him her best “eat shit, asshole,” grin.
“Nice,” a deep voice said from behind her, causing her to quickly turn on her heel. She’d know that voice anywhere. It was the same one that she imagined saying dirty things into her ear every night while she dreamed. It belonged to a man who wanted everything from her. She couldn’t give him what he needed but God, she wanted to.
“Lucky,” she whispered his name. “What are you doing here?” she asked. Bruno “Lucky” Gallo wasn’t a man she had ever planned on seeing again, yet there he stood in all his glory. He was so tall at around six-five, that she had to crane her neck to look up at him. Jules took a step back needing to give herself some space, but she was pretty sure that just a few feet that Lucky allowed wouldn’t be enough.
“It’s good to see you too, Honey,” he said.
“I’m not your Honey,” Jules taunted. “I thought I made that clear when you helped my family out.”
“Yep, crystal clear,” he agreed. She instantly regretted her words when she caught the flash of hurt that crossed his features. She had no cause to treat him so harshly. Lucky had been there for her family when they needed him, and she wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to repay him for everything he did for them. Without Lucky’s help, her nephew and she might not be alive. Jules owed him so much more than her quick temper and sharp tongue. She owed him her life, but she couldn’t let that cloud her judgment. He was a Gallo and worked for one of the largest mafia families in Chicago. Forgetting that would land her in more trouble than she was ready for, but that didn’t stop her from wanting him.