Page 106 of This Wicked Curse

“Like I said,” I manage between hiccups, “it’s safe, and it’s working.” He arches a brow, crossing his arms over his chest. “It counters the effects of gravity. The pixies use it to travel long distances since they’re so small.” My feet begin to lift off the ground, leaving me weightless and hovering.

“What the fuck…” Sebastian lunges forward, gripping onto my shirt. I’m only an inch or two from the ground.

“It’s alright. I doubt I’ll float much higher. I’d have to eat a whole plant if I wanted to do that.”

Hesitantly, he lets go, and I spin gracefully above the ground. He watches me with a hint of amusement as he covers his mouth with his hand, but he can’t hide the smile in his eyes as he takes in my uncontainable excitement. I can’t help but laugh as I float through the air, feeling like a pixie myself. For once, we’re sharing a moment untainted by darkness or danger—just pure, simple joy.

Sebastian exhales as he props his hands on his hips. “I will never understand you,” he says, shaking his head in mock disbelief.

“Whatever do you mean?” I tilt my head to one side.

He gestures at me, still grinning. “You call me boring, yet you’re fascinated with the littlest things. Your books, books you’ve read dozens of times, and now, plants… You’re hovering an inch off the ground, yet I’ve never seen you smile wider.”

“You could join me, you know,” I say, crinkling my nose.

“You’re just like her... She’d have loved you something fierce.” Sebastian dips his head, looking at me from beneath his dark lashes before bending to snatch a leaf off the plant. “Fine. You win. Do I just eat one?”

“Don’t swallow it,” I caution him. “Chew, and when you’re done floating, spit it out.”

He nods, popping it in his mouth and chewing tentatively. Slowly, his feet leave the ground, but his balance is off, causing him to grip my shoulder for support. The contact sends warmth shooting through me, making my heart race.

“Easy there,” I chuckle. “Gentle movements.”

“Thanks, Professor,” he grumbles sarcastically, but I can see the beginnings of a grin tugging at his lips.

We float together, and little by little he gets the hang of it. Drifting through the clearing, we spread out and time seems to still as I take in the beauty of it all. From the twisted roots of the forest trees to the velvety moss blanketing the trunks, the intricate spiderwebs shimmering with morning dew... It’s like a dream I never want to wake up from.

“How do you know how to do this?” Sebastian asks, finally steadying himself as he floats up beside me.

“Books.” I shoot him a wink.

“Of course,” he murmurs, a teasing smile playing at the corners of his lips. “My little bookworm.”

“Hey,” I protest, swatting at him playfully. “There’s nothing wrong with being well-read.”

“Never said there was,” he grins and then propels himself forward with a grace that makes my heart flutter.

I’m so entranced by the enchanting scene around us that I almost don’t hear it - the low murmur of voices cutting through the stillness. My breath catches in my throat, and I glance over at Sebastian, who has gone rigid beside me.

“Did you hear that?” I whisper, my voice barely audible.

His eyes narrow as he scans the clearing. “Time to go.” The concern in Sebastian’s gaze sends a shiver down my spine. “Stay close.”

I nod, my heart racing with a sudden burst of adrenaline. It’s the Crocodile - I can feel it in my bones. We move quickly, spitting out the leaves. As soon as our feet hit the ground, we’re sprinting through the clearing. Sebastian takes the lead as we burst through the barrier that hides the skull house. We’re not safe here, not if they have Smee. The house might’ve kept us safe from the creatures on this island while we slept, but it’d be the first place his until would look.

We round a bend in the path and break through the trees, dodging the underbrush until we hear someone screams his name. The voice is masculine and pained, but it's someone he recognizes. A lurch of terror that rolls through him and into me. Sebastian slams to a stop and I almost crashing him.

"Zephyr," he says under his breath, spinning in place and searching the forest as he draws his sword.

I stumble backward, trying to give him space, managing to avoid the pointy end by an inch. "Are you sure?"

"I'd know his voice anywhere. I'm sure," he growls, his voice low and dangerous. Something moves to the right of us, cracking twigs and Sebastian whirls, sword at the ready. “Get behind me.”

I nearly trip over my feet to do as he demands, but as I look toward where the noise came from, I spot green skin peeking through the dark leaves. "Wait!" I grip Sebastian's arm, as the figure comes through.

Zephyr meets out wide-eyed stares and sucks in a breath, jerking back as if he didn't expect us. "Oh, dear gods," he curses, holding a hand to his heart.

My heart is pounding in my chest, and I can barely breathe as I swallow hard, desperate to soothe it. I've never been more relieved. Had that been the Crocodile I'm not sure what we'd have done. We lack the strength to fight him and his witches. Maybe him alone would be okay, but not more than that. Not without my magic and Sebastian's shadows. But it's still bittersweet. If Zephyr is here, the Crocodile knows Sebastian is alive and he's hunting him. We also don't know where Zephyr stands anymore, but I'd like to hope it's on our side.