Page 103 of This Wicked Curse

“No. But I can see you miss them, and considering what you just learned, that the Crocodile…” My voice falters, the weight of the unspoken truth hanging heavy between us. He hasn’t mentioned it much... I don’t even think I can voice it out loud.

A shadow passes over his face, the playful mischief replaced with cold resolve. “That man is not my father. He never will be. I’m not sure why my mother did what she did, but James Hook, the man who raised me, will always be my father.”

I nod, understanding. There are no words that can bring him comfort. Silence takes over, filled with the sounds of the forest as we walk. I’m not sure how much time passes, but it’s a lot. I watch my feet, awed by the moss and flowers, the way they glow in the dark when the tree canopies grow thicker. It’s incredible, and so unreal...

Before I can react, Sebastian yanks me backward into the hard plane of his chest, his hand clamping over my mouth. My heart races, not in fear of him, but of whatever forced that intense reaction. The rhythmic thud of my heart pulses against his fingers, gripping tightly, ensuring to smother any sound I make. I do my best to breathe quietly through my nose, but it’s hard when I can hear my heartbeat in my ears.

Then I hear it—an eerie clicking noise, like nails tapping on stone. Sebastian plasters us against the tree. Even the creatures within it run away. I strain my eyes to see through the dense foliage, trying to find out what’s making the noise—what has Sebastian so on edge. Spotting a figure, I suck in a breath.

A nightshade.

Even though it’s blind, its milky eyes seem to pierce through the shadows. Its griffin-like body is a monstrous blend of avian and beast, moving with grace like a skilled predator. Its translucent wings—nothing more than a film between the long filaments and bones—stretch and fold. It’s listening... waiting for the reverberations of its own call to come back.

Heart in my throat, I stay deathly still. Their bites are venomous and paralytic, and judging by the blood on its teeth, it’s hungry.

Sebastian’s grip on me tightens just a fraction, a silent plea to remain still. Even his breath is measured as his chest expands against my back.

With every ounce of skill and stealth I possess, I move in tandem with him. Each step is a dare against fate, each breath a whispered prayer to not be noticed. As the distance grows between us and the monstrosity, his hand slips from my mouth. We don’t dare speak, not yet, not until that thing is so far we can’t hear its call anymore.

It’s at least another hour before we reach the edge of the trees and a clearing unfolds. A vast meadow stretches out before us, creating a blanket of green with wildflowers, like the ones we passed through, basking in the hell flame. I can feel the warmth of it against my skin as I step forward and breathe a sigh of relief. The grass is soft and dewy beneath my feet, and the air is so crisp here.

Don’t get me wrong, the forest is beautiful, but I don’t want to find out what other creatures lurk within it. At least not now. Man-eating daisies and bat men are enough for one day.

Sebastian glances at me, a soft grin on his lips that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. I catch the shuffle of his hand in his pocket, the one he put the stone in before we left. “We made it.”

My brows furrow, and I scan the clearing again. “I don’t...”

Sebastian rolls his eyes, extending his hand to me. “Here, let me show you.”

He guides me forward and I watch as he seemingly disappears right before my eyes. Next are my fingers, and my forearm... A wave of tingles washes over my entire body as I follow him forward until the mirage dances and warps. Then I see it.

Nestled in the heart of the clearing is a structure so extraordinary that I’m rendered speechless. A colossal skull. I can’t even imagine what creature would be that big. Its hollow sockets are now windows into a home. Doorways curve into the gaping maw, the teeth covered in vines. A few of them are so long they nearly act like pillars. Luminescent purple crystals shine from the base, and they have to be at least ten feet tall.

“By the gods... What creature did this come from?” My voice is barely above a whisper.

Sebastian casts a sidelong glance, the ghost of a smile dancing on his lips. “A titan.”

“A titan?” I meet his emerald eyes. The titans were the first creatures to ever walk our realm. They’ve been long gone, but I can’t fathom creatures that big roaming about.

“Yes, that’s what I said.” He tugs me forward, but I’ve already turned around.

The mirage is immaculate. The spellwork is unlike anything I’ve witnessed. The threads are so tightly bound that I can barely see them. I reach out, trying to feel it, but my hand slips right through as if it’s not there. I’m not sure what kind of magic this is, but it’s strong.

Chuckling, he leans close, his breath tickling my ear. “Admiring my mother’s handiwork?”

“Your mother’s? How is it still here, then?” Wards and spells, any form of ongoing magic dies with the person who casts it.

“Elemental magic is different. With mages or druids, their magic fades with them because it’s tied to their souls. But an elemental, they shape, bend, and command nature itself. It remains a part of the world, unyielding and unchanged unless willed otherwise.”

“She was like you, then...” It’s more a thought out loud than a question, but he answers anyway, nodding his head. I barely see it in my peripheral, too busy staring at the shimmering boundary. It casts dancing reflections around us, playing with the light.

Just as the realization dawns on me, he says my thoughts out loud. “She could manipulate light.”

I turn my head, surprise written in the arch of my brows. “How? There’s only been one light elemental known in existence.”

Sebastian nods, guiding me toward the house. “That’s why she was supposed to marry the king.”

“My father?” The air hitches in my lungs. “It’s been hundreds of years since the queen died. I didn’t think he’d ever want to marry again.”