Page 81 of This Wicked Curse

Ripping back the curtain, my blood runs cold, and my heart stops. She’s not there. It’s empty. Things are knocked over and the curtain is half-torn down. She didn’t go without a fight. She made noise… She had to.

I spin in place, searching out Zephyr’s assistant and finding him nowhere. Fuck!

How could I let this happen? I should’ve been here. I should’ve been more vigilant--more careful. Scarlet was under my protection, and I failed her.

I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down. Panic won’t help now. I need to focus, to use my gift to find Scarlet.

Closing my eyes, I extend my shadows, sensing for anything and everything that moves. I search the ship, feeling the heartbeats, steady and strong. And then, in the distance, there’s the faintest whisper of fluttering, the same way mine felt. It’s surrounded by more. That’s her. It has to be.

I open my eyes and dart through the cabins and the birthing, towards the stairs leading up to the higher decks. I don’t even have my fucking sword, but I just have to get there in time. That’s all I need. As long as I can catch them before she goes over, it will be okay. It has to be.

If it weren’t for the fact I nearly died hours ago, I could fucking shadow walk there. Gods... just let me find her in time.

As I reach the top of the stairs, I don’t stop. I barrel through the mess hall, drawing eyes from those seated around the tables. My chest burns as I reach the deck, spotting seven of my men picking up Scarlet near the rail. Her hands and feet are bound, her mouth gagged. How did they get past everyone with her like that?

It’s too dark to make out who it is, but it doesn’t matter. They’re dead.

“Hey!” I shout, throwing out a hand. The shadows heed my command, speeding over the deck. It snatches the two men holding her like a tripwire and they fall to the ground.

By the time the others can get their wits, I’m there. One has their blade drawn. I lean back to dodge it easily, smashing my palm into their wrist. He drops the sword, and it clatters to the ground. My shadows snatch it up and bring it to my hand.

“Which one of you had the brilliant idea? Hmm?” I point the end of the blade at them as I pace. Their hands go up and they step away from Scarlet. “Fucking answer me! I am your captain. You will speak when I ask you to!”

As the men cower, I can feel the rage simmering inside me, threatening to burst. How dare they try to take my Scarlet from me? I step closer to them, brandishing the sword and allowing the shadows to swarm around me, lending a menacing aura. “I won’t ask again,” I growl. “Which one of you cowards thought it was a good idea to tie up my wife and throw her overboard?”

None of them speak up, their eyes darting from me to each other in silent communication. They know what they’ve done is unforgivable, but they still refuse to own up to it. I can’t believe it. These are men whom I’ve fought alongside for years, and yet they betray me like this?

I’m aware of the crowd forming behind me. The door to the companionway hasn’t stopped opening and shutting since I walked through it. Yet, no one joins me by my side. Clearly, it’s time to remind them exactly who and what I am.

My grip on the sword tightens as I take a step towards them, causing them to flinch back. “Well then, if none of you will confess, I’ll have to assume that you’re all guilty,” I say through gritted teeth. “You know what happens to traitors on my ship?”

The shadows shift around me and the ship creaks and groans. Each of their heartbeats resonates, amplified by my senses in the dark silence. There’s not even a peep from the men that have gathered behind me.

Scarlet’s hazel eyes meet mine. We don’t need words. I can feel every shred of terror rolling through her, pulsing nearly as fast as her heart. Hold on. Just a little longer.

One lunges. I parry, shadows wrapping around his wrist, yanking him off balance. The second aims for my ribs with a dagger, but I sidestep, forcing the blade to meet only air.

The next two work in tandem, trying to flank me, their movements coordinated but predictable. A blind lunge here, a feint there. I’ve trained these men. I know their every move.

Dipping low, I let the darkness beneath me seep upward, covering me in a protective shroud. The first of the duo doesn’t even see me coming as I drive the blade through his thigh. He screams, a sound cut short as my other hand lashes out and grabs his throat, crushing his windpipe.

The other charges at me with wild fury. A huge mistake. I deflect his strike easily and send him sprawling across the deck with a forceful push of shadows. As he attempts to rise, I thrust my blade towards him, letting it rest just below his chin.

For a brief moment, the deck falls silent, save for the panting traitors.

The next one advances. I sidestep his first slash and, with a fluid motion, sever the tendon in the back of his leg. He howls in pain, stumbling back. Shadows wrap around him, pulling him down, squeezing, suffocating.

A quick flick of my wrist sends a tendril of shadows slicing through the air, narrowly missing the next attacker, but sending him reeling backward, eyes wide with terror.

The last man stands, looking from his fallen comrades to me, fear evident in his eyes. “Captain,” he starts, voice quivering. “I—"

Before he can utter another word, my sword plunges deep into his gut. I pull it out swiftly, the glistening blade dark with his blood. He collapses, choking and gasping for breath.

The deck is silent again, except for the ragged breaths of the defeated men. The gathered crew behind me stares in a mixture of awe and fear. None dare to step forward or shut their gaping mouths.

“Any last words?” The few traitors still alive stare at me, chests heaving as they try to fight off the pain. None of them answer. They tremble in place as my shadows lift from the ground and slither around them. With a twist of my wrist, their necks snap and their lifeless bodies fall to the deck.

I stride over to Scarlet, quickly picking her up and clutching her against my chest. “It’s alright, I’ve got you.” She’s trembling as her head snuggles into the crook of my neck.